Such a dissapointment! my plant is a male!! what to do now?

my plant looks soooo good and super bushy! took it outside so it can start flowering and its a male! after all this time! dam itt!
so what to do now? just kill it?


Well-Known Member
it won't turn female in this lifetime..
keep it for fun or kill it (:

sorry for the loss bro, but thats life..


Well-Known Member
You may want to consider buying feminised seeds in future, this way you won't end up spending time, money and effort growing a male plant if you have no intention to breed.
well no i just started 4 new ones that are og kush but there just like 2 inches tall and another one that is bigger but not shown signs of sex yettt!!

is there no thc what so ever in male plants? cause seeing how its a male plant and i have no use for it!
i could give the plant to my mom cause she uses bud leaves with alcohol to put on my dads back for pain.... would this plant at least work for that?


Well-Known Member
Grow it out as a practice plant, as long as you don't have to worry about pollinating any nearby females. You could also turn it into bubble hash, but you'd be lucky to get a gram of the high-quality stuff, for all the work. Not really worth it, IMO. :)
well let me take a picture of the plant and ill post it here and you can let me know if it has enough leaves to make bubble hash seeing how you know alot more than mee =]


Well-Known Member
i would also make it into a practice plant.
trying supercroping and lsting the shit out of it.
yeaaa a practice plant would do fine also if i cant find anything else to do with it but here are the pics that i just took of it

the plant grew 9 leave patters and some has 10

and here you can see its a male! =[


Well-Known Member
hehe he is pretty..
but don't put too much effort in it.. it's a 50/50 odds..
sometimes you win sometimes you lose.

abuse it a little and make the best out of what you got.


That sucks man, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my "test" plant isn't male. It grew from some random seeds we saved so who knows what it is. Poor thing has been abused though, I learned really quick that flood lamps do not help at all lol I'd just keep it around to practice topping and cloning on. Just make sure it doesn't rape any of your girls.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plant, man. I'd say you have your skills honed enough to be adventurous and order some femenized seeds, eliminating males, next time around. :wink:

Also,..that's pretty small, to make hash from. Males have very few triclombs, and it's take a 3' x 3' plant, to get a gram or so, of good hash. Sorry to say, that it's pretty much only good for practice growing. Why don't you try some training techniques on it, like topping, LST, or supercropping? It's perfect, for that. :)