Sudden issue! Help please


New Member
Hello. My name is Tommy and this is my first post. Got 6 plants 3-4 feet veg the other day. Neighbors were home so they had to stay in my car for 2 hours but it was 8pm and sun was going down. Maybe 65-68 outside. When they came in a few leave wilted a tad but didn't look bad. Well they went right into flower room the next day and now leaves are dying!!! And now it's been 3 days and it's gotten worse. Rest of plant looks good but I can't lose these. Too much into them. I'll post pics. Can someone please tell me what's going on? And more important, how to fix it? I've got 2 lights 1000 watts. But today I lowered output to 600 incase it's heat stress. Thank you

Sorry can't post pics?????
Leaves turning yellow/brown and curling up at ends. Then turning crispy and dying. And happen quickly. Rest of plant ok. Seem to be eating fine except 1 that didn't drink everything even by morning


New Member
Lights are 18"-24" from top of plant. Day temp is 77.2, night 65-68. 2 hps 1000 watt, but now turned down to 600. Using AN sensi bloom at 1300. Only watered once so far. Day after I got. Humidity is low, 20%? Elevation 6000ft. In 5 gallon bag with ocean forest soil custom mix. 2 fans 18" but not directly on plant, but leaves move. Think that's most needed info.


New Member
Car was little warm. Tops and I mean tops 90. 5 gallon bags. Watered with about a gallon each but we're still damp from previous owner. He watered an hour before pick up. Soil was light but not too light when I watered. I figured stress from car but it's gotten bad. 10% to 30% of leaves depending on which one. I just don't know what to do. Lowered output on lamps to let them rest and heal


New Member
Started before watering. 24hrs after car I saw leaves dying. Then watered next day. Only had them full 3 days now and they were so pretty when I got them. Scared I killed them!! Grew for 4 years but took last year off. Need to get back on and this ain't a good start.


Well-Known Member
Without pics its hard to say. The only thing I know that could turn leaves brown and crispy that fast is light burn. Lights were to close. Is the damage on the top and middle of them or lower and middle?


New Member
Guy I got from is pro. Serious set up. Never issues like this. He stopped by and asked "what the hell did you do?" Rest of the plant looks good and healthy. Leaf tips up, nice and green, soft leafs. Brown starts halfway up plant to top. Nothing on any of them on bottom half


New Member
Light bulb above head. Leaves might have been damp from confined space in car. When that 2000 watts hit them that damp leaf burned. Sound plausible? Cause the leaves look like I spilled bleach on them


Well-Known Member
Your lights were burning them. They will be fine as long as you moved them up and turned them down to 600w,like you said.


New Member
If that's it, what do I do next? Leave lights on 600 few days then 750 few more and back to 1000 in a week? Feed the same or tone down nutes? Think next watering I'll do just water. Just incase. Any thing I should feed them to repair their health? I know the leave that turned will never be saved. Just want it to be health asap and not be stressed


Well-Known Member
If that's it, what do I do next? Leave lights on 600 few days then 750 few more and back to 1000 in a week? Feed the same or tone down nutes? Think next watering I'll do just water. Just incase. Any thing I should feed them to repair their health? I know the leave that turned will never be saved. Just want it to be health asap and not be stressed
Yup, that sounds good. Just feed water for a week and give them a week each time you turn up the light. Nothing you can really give them to repair. Just some cool temps,water, and time.


Well-Known Member
Also you said you fed them? Am I correct your saying it was 1300 ppm. If that's so you might have burned them with nutes and the lights. Bring it down to 800ppm for veg and 1000ppm for flowering.