Sudden yellowing of lower leaves is this nitrogen deficiency?

This yellowing happened suddenly, in two days the leaves turned horribly yellow, see picts and stats below. They are getting even worse now. Any good advice would def be earning some rep points. Please try and cite your sources or show examples with links to other pictures.
24 hours light regiment with 6 cfl's
TEmp - 78 to 80 constantly
humidity = moderate at 40 to 60 percent

Nutes, liquid stuff 8-4-4- that I add in every other watering.

Plant is in miracle grow soil since Nov 1st.

P1190006.jpgP1190003.jpgP1190005.jpgP1190008.jpgP1190007.jpgP1190004.jpgEntire plant view.jpg
Additional info
I flushed with 3 times the amount of water vs the soil amount. 7.6 in and 7.0 runoff. Then I gave her a 1/2 8 ML mixture of the 8-4-4 stuff. 7.4ph in and 7.0 runoff out. I have had low ph issues before, I think. No matter how many times I put the 7.6 water in, the runoff comes out at 7.0 and below. Can I add baking soda, or do I have to buy lime?


Active Member
looks like nute burn to me, if you've been using nutes, then it's not deficient. probably nute burn, or ph lockout. i'd flush for a couple waterings test the soil ph, or runoff if you can


Well-Known Member

Did you guys miss the 8-4-4 liquid nutes he's adding every other watering?

pH I can see, but a N def? Nutes every other watering? Not unless he is unlike every other noob and actually just giving 1/4 strength or less.:o

OP: Give us some more info on the when and how much of your nutes.

Do you have a pH meter?


Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
this is NOT correct. it's either nute burn, or ph, or both.
There's so much different shit going on with this plant.

8-4-4 doesn't mean anything. The volume used is what matters and unfortunately for some odd reason not a single noob ever seems to think it is important to include how much they are using. Also, when used in an alternating pattern with plenty of run off, the probability of a nutrient excess as a result of the soil is improbable.

There can be a variety of sources for the issue. Miracle Grow soil with Moisture control and no perlite for aeration is too dense a soil for roots to remain healthy in. The result is a weak root system forcing the plant to appropriate nutrients from itself to generate new growth. The time release fertilizers and lack of pH buffer could be contributing to the problem as well.

So the leaves in the left are burned for sure. Possibly as a result of hard water, or maybe another cause. Very difficult to say when you see the pictures on the right. Red stems, balanced yellowing without necrosis, points directly to Nitrogen and possibly phosphorus and magnesium as well.

All of this damage could be the result of excessively low pH in the soil. Anything under 5.5pH is going to cause all of these issues.

You have a nutrient issue. In most cases, if the problem is complex, you flush the system with clean water, and feed with a low strength balanced nutrient to replenish the nutrient buffer (preventing the plant from leaching more nutrients). Run off is key.

The plant isn't that bad. Get your pH and your nutrient profile under control (10ml of that 8-4-4 would be fine) and things should resolve in time. Expect more leaves to die off until the plant recovers but the focus here is on the new growth.
8-4-4 doesn't mean anything. The volume used is what matters and unfortunately for some odd reason not a single noob ever seems to think it is important to include how much they are using. Also, when used in an alternating pattern with plenty of run off, the probability of a nutrient excess as a result of the soil is improbable. I use 1/2 strenght of this stuff, see my link

All of this damage could be the result of excessively low pH in the soil. Anything under 5.5pH is going to cause all of these issues.

You have a nutrient issue. In most cases, if the problem is complex, you flush the system with clean water, and feed with a low strength balanced nutrient to replenish the nutrient buffer (preventing the plant from leaching more nutrients). Run off is key. Why is run off key?

The plant isn't that bad. Get your pH and your nutrient profile under control (10ml of that 8-4-4 would be fine) and things should resolve in time. Expect more leaves to die off until the plant recovers but the focus here is on the new growth.[/QUOTE]