Sugar on Leaves?


My ladies are a week away from harvest and I noticed there is a white powdery substance on the leaves near the buds. I thought they were crystals and very well could be, but I dont know what it is. Any one have any insight?

I would post a pic but unfortunately it's under a HPS bulb and makes is so the pictures come out looking bad.

Thank You


Well-Known Member
well if the plants are a week from harvest they should have lots of crystals... if this looks more like powder that can be removed by hand and is not sticky, then it's powdery mildew and your kinda jacked.


Well-Known Member
you cannot smoke any buds with mold, cut it away or you can try to use some anti fungal sprays but it's kinda risky. I had a grow infested with mold once. i used a product called greencure til very late into the flowering cycle, then cut away anything still effected. goodluck with your harvest


Well-Known Member
dude give your plant some 3% peroxide NOW, it will get rid of mold. mix in about 1 tsp per gallon every watering for the rest of the grow


Active Member
If you want accurate information...we'll need a close pic.Could be that you're seeing trichomes,not powdery mold.


Well-Known Member
dude give your plant some 3% peroxide NOW, it will get rid of mold. mix in about 1 tsp per gallon every watering for the rest of the grow

He does not have root rot. I've never heard of h202 being used against PM. Please inlighten me to it's effects.


Active Member
No h202 will not clear the problem and will leave your buds full of it(if its PM). Powdery milder lives inside the plant. In this late stage all u can do is cut infected leaves off and spray plant with 8.0+ ph water. Any chemicals applied to plant at this stage will ruin all your buds


Active Member
Start moving your plants around, do u see white dust flying in the air? if so its PM. Find an infected leaf. If the powder can simply blow right off then its PM