

So i was just wondering, if you threw some brown sugar into your nutrients would it help the thc develop like crazy? Sugars do help on alot of other plants so i dont know


Well-Known Member
To answer your question, no brown sugar will not help your plants. Molasses can help your SOIL life. I believe brown sugar is just molasses and sugar, so skip the brown sugar and go strait for molasses.


Well-Known Member
Your plant naturally gives off carbs to benefit the microbes in its soil. The molasses helps the plant do this and lets it concentrate on growing itself, not its growing medium. Make sure to use unsulfured molasses...1tablespoon per gallon. Ive heard blackstrap molasses is the cheapest and therefore most efficient.


Active Member
Let me tell you from my personal experience. I am an organic grower and find Mollasses a preferred choice of "Bud Denser" A steady dose of mollasses throughout the grow/flower will help produce better/denser buds. This is from my own experiences. Again, I grow organically with no bottle nutes.

Basically if I wouldnt put it in my mouth I wont put it on my plants.


Well-Known Member
Yes i grow "organic" but i like to call it natural because thats more what it is...but i probably wouldnt put castings or guano in my mouth....or anything i put on my plants. except the water, and molasses.