Suggesting LSD

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Just a little side note.
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Does Not Stand for LSD. (well it does to me ... but lets be brainy ...k ?)

Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds was the title of the below drawing, by Lennon's son Julian. The drawing is of his friend Lucy Vodden, in the sky, with diamonds. Whether young Julian was taking acid at the time is up for debate.




Active Member
My favorite drug other then weed is LSD.
LSD purifies your mind and heightens your senses 200%. Your brain has a chemical in it that censors everyday life LSD helps take that censor away, you realize so much it's almost over whelming.

I candy flip when ever i take LSD helps my thoughts be more pleasant, Mdma makes things more happy (Your mind won't want to wonder into bad thoughts)

You will need a sitter your first time. The sitters responsibility no matter if he/she is taking the acid will be monitoring you for example: how much water you need to be drinking, making sure you wont have a bad trip (keeping you in a happy stat of mind)

But yeah just enjoy it... go to a park and smoke a joint while on it :) feel the breeze of the wind. Feel the earths pulse and understand everything is living in some way... feel yourself as a person become less ignorant of whats around us. hehe also clouds are amazing on lsd

enjoy! :peace:
oif your mind wont let you have a bad thought why do you need a sitter to make sure you dont have a bad trip. why must the sitter make sure you have happy thoughts? is that what the lsd is doing


Well-Known Member
oif your mind wont let you have a bad thought why do you need a sitter to make sure you dont have a bad trip. why must the sitter make sure you have happy thoughts? is that what the lsd is doing
I had a sitter when i did lsd... It was my first time and he also dropped with me. I was seconds away from having a bad trip (Before i dropped he told me if im about to have a bad trip talk to him) So when i was about to have my bad trip things got really weird I ran right to him (He was in the other room) and I pulled him to the side I was like dude i feel like im about to have a bad trip things are getting to real for me. Then he talked me out of it tell i calmed down :) As for my gf i talked her out of a bad trip also she said she was seeing eyes and people talking to her when we tried to sleep and she almost went into tears o_o


Well-Known Member
Just a little side note.
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Does Not Stand for LSD. (well it does to me ... but lets be brainy ...k ?)

Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds was the title of the below drawing, by Lennon's son Julian. The drawing is of his friend Lucy Vodden, in the sky, with diamonds. Whether young Julian was taking acid at the time is up for debate.

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Pulling out the references I see. Intriguing news to here, perhaps Julian was on lysergic-25 well analyzing the atlas of his painting ;)