Still waiting to save up some money for the rest of the equipment, but I do have a tent and carbon filter/ fan so far. 24”x24”x60” and a 6” ventech carbon filter/fan. It’s too big to hang and hang the light I intend on getting so is there any reason why I can’t have it outside of the tent and blow out of the filter? Most pics I’ve seen it’s sucking air in and I don’t wanna fuck up the filter by blowing out. If not I’ll MacGyver the sumbitch to fit lol. Also if I grew one auto ( don’t throw stones just trying to get my feet wet here) what’s the biggest pot size I can use for her? It’s gonna be gorilla glue auto by fastbuds, seed supreme says the yield is lower but the quality is top notch so I wanna get the most out of this tiny tent