Suggestions for 1st grow room?


Active Member
and I am in my 8th grow today and I will spend less than $150 to get a pound of buds!
The first grow is the most expensive.
Ahh, alright.. 3000-5000, that's a lot better. I was aiming for 10,000 after it said that was what the sun produced, figured that's what I was supposed to aim for.. That just seemed like a ridiculous amount of lights to me, hence the confusion lol.

Thanks for the confirmation on the dual spectrum too. I've read through the entire guide multiple times and saw that you were using both spectrums, I just couldn't keep up with how they were divided up. At first it was one of each, then you started adding some new lights and removing some, so I got a bit lost on what was where. 50/50 or 60/40 gives me a much better idea of what to aim for, thanks for that!

And damn, $150 for a pound of buds? lol.. Yeah, you definitely have a way to make the start up costs seem insignificant haha.. Best of luck with your next grow and thanks again for the help, really appreciate it!

rawrrrz, i use about 35% yellow or 3000k light to 65% blue or 6400k for veg, and the other way around for flower, seems to work great. the yellow spectrums help swell the buds while the plants need blue light for cell integrity while flowering, compare bud flowered under yellow light to bud flowered under both spectrums and you will see a huge difference in the color and quality. good luck man.
Thanks for confirming that for me, I was totally confused on that bit before. Been reading so much and trying to cram all of this info in my head that I'm getting mixed up on some of the finer details like that.

I had one last question on lighting though. The reflectors I'll be using, the description says 125V, 150W Maximum. I don't know a damn thing about electricity, but that means I can have up to 150W worth of bulbs, right? So one 150W or two 65s in a splitter would work, but two 85s in a splitter wouldn't, correct? I'm sure this should be obvious and probably is what it means, but I figured it's probably best to just ask before I misunderstand and have a bulb explode in my face when I turn it on lol..


Active Member
Ahh, alright.. 3000-5000, that's a lot better. I was aiming for 10,000 after it said that was what the sun produced, figured that's what I was supposed to aim for.. That just seemed like a ridiculous amount of lights to me, hence the confusion lol.

Thanks for the confirmation on the dual spectrum too. I've read through the entire guide multiple times and saw that you were using both spectrums, I just couldn't keep up with how they were divided up. At first it was one of each, then you started adding some new lights and removing some, so I got a bit lost on what was where. 50/50 or 60/40 gives me a much better idea of what to aim for, thanks for that!

And damn, $150 for a pound of buds? lol.. Yeah, you definitely have a way to make the start up costs seem insignificant haha.. Best of luck with your next grow and thanks again for the help, really appreciate it!

Thanks for confirming that for me, I was totally confused on that bit before. Been reading so much and trying to cram all of this info in my head that I'm getting mixed up on some of the finer details like that.

I had one last question on lighting though. The reflectors I'll be using, the description says 125V, 150W Maximum. I don't know a damn thing about electricity, but that means I can have up to 150W worth of bulbs, right? So one 150W or two 65s in a splitter would work, but two 85s in a splitter wouldn't, correct? I'm sure this should be obvious and probably is what it means, but I figured it's probably best to just ask before I misunderstand and have a bulb explode in my face when I turn it on lol..
the wattage rating on that reflector refers to how much power the light socket itself can safley flow without melting, for saftey sake try to keep it 20 watts below max if at all possible. keep in mind also that cfls draw more power on startup then durring runtime so deffinatly do not run more than the max wattage, you will get a fire after a few dozen on off cycles.


Active Member
the wattage rating on that reflector refers to how much power the light socket itself can safley flow without melting, for saftey sake try to keep it 20 watts below max if at all possible. keep in mind also that cfls draw more power on startup then durring runtime so deffinatly do not run more than the max wattage, you will get a fire after a few dozen on off cycles.
well that's scary lol.. the two 65s for the 150w max should be fine going by that though, so I'll just keep with the set up I've started with. Was just asking to compare prices with other bulbs and see how I could most cost effectively provide the right amounts of light.

anyways, thanks again, really appreciate all of the help yall have given me!