Suggestions How to maximise a 4x2x5 tent

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
Suggestions please on how max out a 4x2x5 tent what technique, lights and how many plants not sure on what to do.


Well-Known Member
Suggestions please on how max out a 4x2x5 tent what technique, lights and how many plants not sure on what to do.
how to max out a 4x2x5 tent, good question and tbh its not a good size

your rooms to small for a 600w
you could go for a 400w hps but that would only cover 3ft x 2ft
could use 2x 250w hps side by side, never tried it but you should get a high yeild, heat from 2 x 250w hps could be a problem in that space

4 plants in 1ltr pots and pot them up in 10ltr when the roots start to circle the pot
soil is a good way to start off, biobuzz grow and bloom nutes
top the plant in early veg so it grows short and bushy


Well-Known Member
In a 4x2 id grow 3 plants,3 gallon pots max and lst them for tops.When you cram a ton of plants in a small place you screw up air flow and invite mold and pests.Just my opinion of course.

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
I currently have 4 in 3 gals under a 600hps dimmed to 440 in a cool tube finishing in about a week or so hopefully will get about 8oz dry but I was thinking maybe a sog style with 10 1 gal.


Well-Known Member
There are multiple options.
1. Go small, setup second space with cloner, clone 8-32 clones, run 12/12 all the time. SOG.
2. Go big, use side lighting more than top lighing, grow nice buds on top, middle, and bottom. Vert
3. Go Auto, run 4 autos that take 8 weeks spaced 2 weeks apart, harvest a plant every 2 weeks.

Top lighting: 400w HPS (or better yet, a 600w HPS set at 66% with 400w bulb [so you can upgrade to 600w later]) + supplemental florescent on the ends.

Side lighting: T5 fixtures or LED strips on the sides with 250w HPS top center.

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
I have planned for it I have multiple grow spaces with various plants etc... I grew out some sharksbreath and found a really nice pheno and have took 8 clones of it 4 days ago and put them in my little clone tent if they all root I will be doing an 8 plant sog maybe veg for a week then flip in 2 gal pots 55w a square foot from the 440hps so i have 8 square feet so is about rite just wanted some other opinions on the matter


Well-Known Member
3x Area51 W90's spread evenly across the 4ft, passive intake and exhaust. You won't even need an inline exhaust fan unless you want/need to scrub the smell. Environment will be easy to maintain (no heat to speak of) and you can easily pull 200-250g's out of that space with those.


Well-Known Member
Are these expensive ?
Those run $174/each (the underlined text in my first post takes you to their site) but using the latest LED tech (COBs) and proven performance. I posted what I'd run in that space if it were my only space since you didn't mention budget. They'd pay back in operational costs and output within a couple of runs. They're great for smaller spaces because you don't need to get into elaborate setups to cool a small space like that. They can easily produce 1gpw in a dialed in environment. There's a cheaper way to do COB LED's but you'd have to build them, a bunch of info/help available in the LED forum if you're DIY inclined. Not difficult and it keeps getting easier. These are about the best commercial option for that space, there are several commercial panels using COBs but they're generally 300w or larger single panels that wouldn't cover that space well on the 4ft length. These one's can be daisy-chained into one unit or run separately and spread out to cover off whatever area you need. In 2x4 three would cover that area very well. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Look into DIY LED if you decide to go LED. You can build a better light than you can buy and at 30-40% of the cost of buying one. It's pretty easy too. Lots of info in the LED subforum.


Well-Known Member
so @Fast dog if you want to do a simple grow with good results, grow 3 or 4 plants in soil under 400w hps

imo leds just a gimmic, pay a lot of money for the lights or you have to make them yourself, but the thing is the results are not better than a hps

Matt Kitski

Active Member
so @Fast dog if you want to do a simple grow with good results, grow 3 or 4 plants in soil under 400w hps

imo leds just a gimmic, pay a lot of money for the lights or you have to make them yourself, but the thing is the results are not better than a hps
Sorry I've seen thc % increase and yield increase from led comparisons. The info you need to prove that is all over the LED sections.


Well-Known Member
Talking about the cost of the good led lights and the amount they cost to run compaired to a cheap 400w hps setup.
hps are better value and will give you good results

hps vs leds is an open debate that why I said imo

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Dont want to step on anyones toes boys but I have tried them all and after it was all said and done, I'm right back where I started...using HPS lamps. Nothing out preforms them. Yes they burn more power, yes they run hotter but the quality of the flower is superior in almost every aspect. Thats my experience. Believe me, I wish there was something that could give the same results that was cheaper to run and less labor intensive...thats why I tried all the others...

Just one mans opinion!! Peace ya'll