Suggestions Please 1st Grown (pics)


Active Member
Well this is my first grow and about 1 week since the plants have been in the dirt. I got the seeds out of some halfway nice stuff. I have them growing in my upstairs window so that they can get light from the sun and my growing light that I got from Home Depot. I started the plants in a wet paper towel and yeilded about 20 seedlings out of about 25 seeds. Once I put them in the dirt I had about 19 plants come up. I was just wondering how long it willl take till I am able to tell the sex of the plants and also why I dont see more leaves. I have seen other posts were people have alot of leaves after their first week. Also any other helpful info would be nice.




Well-Known Member
You don't have enough light. Do some research and figure out how much light you think you need for that many plants.

Head Weeder

Active Member
All right m8 with that lot you will nead at least a 400w hps light. you will nead to grow them for up to 4 weeks with ligh at 18/6. IE 18on 6 off. then go to 12/12.and then with in 3 days to 3weeks you can tell if thay are male or fem.I know its not much fun when there is noone willin to help.But as wbd says what you nead to do is look at others and read read read.IF YOU DONT ASK YOU WONT NO.So keep askin good luck m8


Well-Known Member
I think they are fine as far as how much leaves there are, mine were similar around only a week of growth. But you definitely need more light, you can tell because they are so long and skinny. If you had more light they would be shorter, with thicker stems, and probably more leaves.
They might possibly grow too tall and thin and fall over and die.


Active Member
you need more light and get it closer to the seedling. They are stretching and will fall over soon. Read the FAQ list and read about lighting.they are both on this sight you need to hurry or you will have to start over soon.


those babies are pretty badly stretched the only way to fix that is to cover them up to there necks in soil that way they wont fall over... yeah definatly buy a 400 WATT HPS AND USE THAT to vegg them for a month or two .. with that many plants you wont be able to provide addiquate lighting with any cfls. you could however do it with a t-8 floro lighting fixture and some daylight spectum bulbs...also i saw that you have a couple of plants that were growing in the same little container you have.. PLANT THEM SEPERATLY... when you plant them in the same container they will fight for root space and eventually one plant will kill the other....bad joo joo


Active Member
I have read alot about this lighting thing and I'm really confused about what types of light is what? I have read about alot of different types on the forums but most people talk about these hps lights but I have no idea what they are. Thanks for the help! I have brought down the light that I currently have on them and I have also added another home depot growing light. I dont know were to get these HPS lights.


Active Member
Do you think that this amount of plants a little much for a first grow? And that I should find the best fit ones and drop it down to about 5-6 plants?