Sulfur to lower pH


Active Member
I am going to start a indoor soil grow soon and came across E.B. Stone's Soil Sulfur at the local garden center. They come in pellets and dissolve in water. But the question that I had about this was if I use this to lower the pH of the water/soil, will there be an excess of sulfur in the soil, which accelerates the destruction of chlorophyll? Has anybody here used this before? Any suggestions, comments are welcome.

Also on the flipside to raise ph, there is the agricultural lime.


Active Member
well i personally don't like the smell/taste of vinegar and sure don't want my buds tasting like it :P. But in all seriousness, the local garden center was having this clearance sale and sold the lime (raise ph) and sulfur (lower ph) as a pack. 5lb box of each for $2.99. so nobody knows if using sulfur to lower ph will result in sulfur burn?