Summer heat


Active Member
Anyone have any ideas how to prevent heat stress outdoors. A couple lower leaves are turning yellow and getting brown spots everything was fine untill it was 110 for 2 weeks straight so I'm sure it's from the heat anyone ever have this problem?



there is nothing you can do but shade them, they are fine, IMO as long as they are outside the heat isnt a huge deal. when it starts to get over 105 tho then it might get a little bad, but theres nothing you c an do unless you can move them. good luck bro


New Member
Here in NorCal this year its gotten over 115 and mine haven't skipped a beat! After being hardened to the heat they've shown no heat stress related problems. Just make sure they're getting as much water as they need.


Well-Known Member
99% of heat stress when growing in pots can be avoided by putting your pots, in the ground, getting bigger pots (clay pots are cooler and hold moisture or smart pots), insulating the pots they are in either by wrapping in white material ( not very efficient) Or putting the plant pot in a bigger pot and filling with soil in around it. Burying your pot in the ground is the best thing you can do. Think how hot the root zone gets being beat on by the sun in a black pot. Being in a car on a hot day with the windows up ? That should take care of heat stress. If still an issue you can cover with shade cloth. Your plant's look to have a small defficency of some sort. Micros, or a P & k deff with maybe to much cal mag because of the reverse leaf canoeing.


Well-Known Member
you can also try garden misters - hoses with multiple spray nozzles fitted with a small micron screen that causes the water to come out so fine it doesn't leave droplets, just a cooling mist - just suspend them over your plants and run them during the heat of the day