Think I can hit 2lbs?

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  • No

  • Way more

  • Your a noob you'll be lucky to get anything

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Looks good man I think you'll be happy with your harvest. Im glad its almost come to an end!
My garden is almost done as well. My buds are in the fattening up stage now. I and a good friend of mine that has been growing for years both agree that we will be trimming 2.5-3 pounds in the next couple of weeks.


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Looks good man I think you'll be happy with your harvest. Im glad its almost come to an end!
My garden is almost done as well. My buds are in the fattening up stage now. I and a good friend of mine that has been growing for years both agree that we will be trimming 2.5-3 pounds in the next couple of weeks.
Lots of bud there bro. Better start focusing on the steps to harvest.
Lots of bud there bro. Better start focusing on the steps to harvest.

Oh yeah now is the time to start planning. it'll be harder for you cause your out in the woods and you have to bring it home. I would suggest get a follow car. I dunno if you have Netflix but watch cannabis kid. They really had a good idea for follow cars. But the point is to have eyes everywhere. Cause dude your car will stink to high shit, so If you get pulled over thats it. Thankfully I just have to cut and walk inside. I have my trim scissors just delivered. I would say get some good ones that are spring loaded don't try to use regular house hold scissors, your hands will thank you later.
I have a partner thats taking a week off for vacation to help me trim cause I'll need it.
Oh yeah now is the time to start planning. it'll be harder for you cause your out in the woods and you have to bring it home. I would suggest get a follow car. I dunno if you have Netflix but watch cannabis kid. They really had a good idea for follow cars. But the point is to have eyes everywhere. Cause dude your car will stink to high shit, so If you get pulled over thats it. Thankfully I just have to cut and walk inside. I have my trim scissors just delivered. I would say get some good ones that are spring loaded don't try to use regular house hold scissors, your hands will thank you later.
I have a partner thats taking a week off for vacation to help me trim cause I'll need it.
Lol I've seen kid cannabis. Great movie! True story too. I can actually trim in a secure garage on the property they are grown. But I cannot hang and dry in the garage.
Lol I've seen kid cannabis. Great movie! True story too. I can actually trim in a secure garage on the property they are grown. But I cannot hang and dry in the garage.
Yeah I thought it was based on a true story, funny as hell I thought. Anyways, thats good about the garage. I'd say trim and then at least its more compact when putting in your car to move. Still gonna smell to high heaven though especially after trimming. Good luck with the move and keep your eyes peeled. Check all your lights make sure they work properly and wear the seatbelt.

Also, I may have missed it but which ones have made it to harvest? The bag seed or the others?
Yeah I thought it was based on a true story, funny as hell I thought. Anyways, thats good about the garage. I'd say trim and then at least its more compact when putting in your car to move. Still gonna smell to high heaven though especially after trimming. Good luck with the move and keep your eyes peeled. Check all your lights make sure they work properly and wear the seatbelt.

Also, I may have missed it but which ones have made it to harvest? The bag seed or the others?
There are 3 NL and 4 bagseed.
Idk how I would dry all the trimmed bud in my apartment. My last grow outdoors a few years ago I dried them in a Rubbermaid container with holes drilled all in it. Sat that outside and they were dry in about 3 days.
Idk how I would dry all the trimmed bud in my apartment. My last grow outdoors a few years ago I dried them in a Rubbermaid container with holes drilled all in it. Sat that outside and they were dry in about 3 days.

Do what you gotta do for sure, not a bad idea at all.
Looking good dude, your wrapping things up over there.
I'm harvesting now. I got down 3 of my 8 and Id say I'm at about 1lb dry already. The other 5 need at least another week.
I was hoping hoping for 2 but by the looks of things I could get a little over 3.

I'm not sure how big those nugs are but looks like you'll have a good harvest as well.
Looking good dude, your wrapping things up over there.
I'm harvesting now. I got down 3 of my 8 and Id say I'm at about 1lb dry already. The other 5 need at least another week.
I was hoping hoping for 2 but by the looks of things I could get a little over 3.

I'm not sure how big those nugs are but looks like you'll have a good harvest as well.
Congrats on pulling some Man. I wish I could get a LB but I doubt I'll hit the mark. Got somepretty fat nugs In there. the weather has been great so no mold as of yet. Hoping to go two more weeks then probably gonna harvest the top half of the large plants and whole small ones.
Yeah I can tell they're pretty fat. You'll get a decent pull for sure.
Ive been battling mold for a couple weeks now. Just recently I've lost what would be at least a couple ounces. So I made the decision to pull in the trouble plants. The others seem ok for now.

Sounds like you got a great spot there. If you wanna pull a pound or more then now is the time to start planning.
Had to pull the ladies. Had a low flying chopper circle back on the property. So I emergency harvested last night. I'm pleased with the outcome so far. The buds are drying now. Temp in the room is constant 77F with 61%RH. Will get some pics up tonight. Peace.
Had to pull the ladies. Had a low flying chopper circle back on the property. So I emergency harvested last night. I'm pleased with the outcome so far. The buds are drying now. Temp in the room is constant 77F with 61%RH. Will get some pics up tonight. Peace.

Yeah thats never a good thing with the copters. Well hell at least you got a harvest!
Things going well here. The buds are curing at 62% rh right now. Smell is nice real nice lol. I have buyers lined up for them already which is bitter sweet. Out of about 7 oz ill get to keep one lol. But expect a full smoke report with detailed pics before any of that.
Wow great dude you got 7 o's, almost half a pound. You didn't do bad at all man. Like I said before, start planning now for next year. Seems like a good spot so order some seeds early and some better pots or dig out the holes way early so you don't kill yourself doing it all at once. Mine are still drying, but Im thinking I'll finish out at about 2.5 pounds. I just chopped and bagged up all my trim, I have a pound of just trim. I'll try to make some vapes soon.
I got my final tally. I'm just a hair over 4 lbs! I think I had a great year considering I didn't get started until June.

I'm already starting on my soil for next year. I got some great compost from a farm down the road the other day about 10 cubic yards of it. I'm going to start my greenhouse soon. My plan calls for about $1k to get it finished, hopefully I'll stay at or below that.