Sun-stressed Seedlings


New Member
IMG_20130430_145454.jpgIMG_20130430_145511.jpgHowdy folks. I started these seedlings more than a month ago (3-20) to be exact and all have shown signs of heat stress/sunburn to the point that the first set of true leaves got discolored and eventually browned and fell off on 2 of the 3 seedlings I have outdoors. The other seedling's first set of leaves are starting to get discoloring but im not too worried about that one since it has 3 sets of leaves and showing some.growth. So my question is if my sunburned seedlings will get back on track or will they suffer longterm stress?? I have 2 CBG Destroyer and 1 Bangi Haze which im really looking forward to harvest on time.



New Member
Thanks man! I kinda figured but I cant find a way to post pics.... New to this site and using my phone since my laptop is dead :(

420 happends

Active Member
ok now i see them, ouch she dont look soo good man :( kinda looks like shes overwaterd and that soil you have looks or has too much nutes for its size, id try some diffirent soil if i was you or dont water as much let her dry out in between waterings!