Sunshine Daydream & Temple of Larry from BodhiBodhi

Al Yamoni

Well-Known Member
Temple of Larry #2
Could possibly be a male. I've noticed many similarities between the two, this ones just bigger. In my experience with my environment that tends to be the case 98% of the time. If that's the case this time, f2's baby!20141114_014420.jpg

Al Yamoni

Well-Known Member
Purpling is due to temperature before I fixed the problem and they are over watered because I just re planted them and I wanted to make sure everything was good and evenly saturated.

Al Yamoni

Well-Known Member
The nepali og and the temple of Larry#2 Are dead on og funk city with the stem rub down tonight. F to the Y.

Al Yamoni

Well-Known Member
I fucked up and used a bottom layer on these gals and they are a startin' to burn! I should have known better.:wall:
So I have decided to add a bunch of coco to my mix and about twice the amount in castings and repot them, removing that bottom layer. That should do nicely. I hope.

They actually look really awesome still, just getting hella tyedye yellow tips. All except my SSDD #1 :leaf: I hope its a girl cuz she's beautiful and she loves to eat! Pics later tonight if I don't get too drunki. I started on the Little Kings a bit early today and I don't really drink unless the moon is blue.

Al Yamoni

Well-Known Member
I got sick of waiting on ssdd #1 and tol #1 to show sex and didn't have room for them anyway, so they were cloned and chopped.

Ssdd #2 and nepali-meds were just placed into the bloom room. Tol #2 is coming along quite nicely!20150113_010843.jpg
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