sup guys heres my WhiteWidow and bagseed NZ

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
first pic is bagseed but possibly whiterhino 2nd and 3rd pic ww shes near seven foot
both starting to budd funny thing is the ww was an autoflower ww she aint no dwarf xD


Woooosh, they should be almost in bloom stage 1 yes no? Im week 1 in to mine and are only day the road from you. Me buckie grows already starting to show nice bud sites. I hope im seeing things right, but are those bullsacs in the last pic? Cant be :mrgreen:. Awesome man thanks for sharing, il be watching this space :lol:

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
ya cant really see much but there doing nicelly
the ww is budding faster than bagseed even though the bagseed is 1 month older


Active Member
Cool cat dude its always good to have a companion to help you inspect the garden :mrgreen:
Those plants look amazing so tall! My larger plants are at about the same stage in flower will be good to compare results ;-)


Well-Known Member
Looks great cant wait to see what it does and how the smoke turns out. Just curious whats your medium and line of feeding nutrients? Filtered Water?

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
cheers guys

normal tap water
nutes mainly nutes in soil and a bit of seasol nutes

yeah i havint tryed outdoor b4 it was ment to be automatic flowering but didint so tryed outdoor


Well-Known Member
oh sweet i was just wondering because i had the same thing happen to me with nirvana NL Autos, they didn't auto-flower either