sup guys


Active Member
whats going on guys i have a plant that is about 8 inches tall height wise i am planning on growing it out doors as i have been doing i dont let direct sun hit it but for a hour or 2 then i put it in a shaded spot for the remainder of the time till the day grows dark i leave it out side its in a pot about 10 inches tall and 10 inches wide will it be fine to grow it in the pot it is in even when it flowers . do u guys recomend a bigger pot i am a first time grower just trying to grow 1 damn plant so i can smoke man thats one of goals in life other than that im guessing it would be in its vegataction stage being that it is 8 inches if im wrong please let me know any info would be great ill try to get some pics asap later guys


Well-Known Member
a pic would be nice but ya transplant when you get a good amout of roots at the bottem but i would go with the bioggest pot u can get ur hands on and leave it in the sun but keep an eye on it if it wilts put it in the shade thay love sun mine do anyway good luck


Well-Known Member
you don't have a profile pic.

as much sun as possible, essentially.

plant more; it could be a male and you will have done all the work for next to nothing.


Active Member
actually click on my name thats by the online bar then it should bring up options on to view my profile and such i need to get better pics anyway