That movie is so horribly depressing, but whenever people randomly bring it up I initially burst into laughter. Which let me tell you, makes it quite awkward when they've actually seen it. I just remember being really high, the first time I watched it. I can remember being so depressed, it's around the end, everything's down hill and then the golden one liner that rips through my abdomen piercing every funny bone I have along the way. "Ass to ass" - The chicks face when he says that afterwards, I can't express how funny it was the first time, or is any other time after. I know I'm a horrible person, Just thought I'd share that with you.
good evening brevity.... guess no one wanted to talk today....
smoking some killer hash with decent shwag for a screen out o' da bong..... otherwise, waiting on the wife to come home with food, a movie, and a pumpkin to carve with the kids. its a decent night