

Whats up people. Odin here just saying hello. I noticed there was another Odin on here... that's cool. Well I'm on here just soaking in information and giving some back if I can. I usually don't start threads cause I know how to use the search button and that's always good. I have had several successful grows and only 1 fail. What can I say... I was 14. So I got some experience outdoor but mainly indoor. My favorite mag. back in the day will always be "HT" and the ask Ed section. Someone told me it's ask Jorge now. I wonder what happened to Ed, anyways... I should have my MJ RX real soon and need to prepare to be a caregiver to many, including myself.

So whats up everyone and stay safe.



Well-Known Member
um theres about 1000 strains what kinds for your patients. Some are much more benefitial then others


um theres about 1000 strains what kinds for your patients. Some are much more benefitial then others

I gotcha. I'm more than likely going to have 4 strains. 2 Indica and 2 Indica/Sativa hybrids. As far as a specific breed, I haven't made a concrete decision.