Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

You decided to troll, so I'll continue to point out the fact you are nowhere my level of skill. Plus you did not even read my thread prior to trolling.

And your plant looks in dire need of N/PH off-balance...this is how a contained plant should look:

View attachment 2943346

Bye now.
Thats a beautiful example of what larfy bud looks like, thanks for sharing bro :) Wheres the rest of your plants? Wheres your bedskirt? Big baller like you with no bedskirt? All those millions of dollars of equipment you sold and you couldn't chisel out enough for some proper bedding? Poor little scumbag.
Lol... the mention of millions of dollars was my favorite part. Like "Yeah I'm not flexing at all... let me mention something about the millions of dollars of products my fabulous company does.... all with me telling customers to fuck themselves. That's how awesome MY stuff is."

Yeah bro... totally not trying to flex on anyone. Not at all. Even talking about how much disgruntled customers love you. :)

And for real... that's your picture to express the epicness of your growing skills. REALLY???
Damn.... I'm jealous. Never had anyone stalk me online. And I thought I was a big deal too.

Can you come troll my thread too bro?

Link in sig. :)

Chaka does not fuck around:
Do you know how to suck a dick? You're the kind of guy that will buy a Dyson at a swap meet and when its broken try to get Dyson to fix it. I'm glad they don't work for ya asshole.

He did start off civil, fwiw.

Sunbiz1 I'm sorry your Bovedas don't work and they're a terrible company. Give me a paypal address and I'll send you the $10 you're out for them. I should have been the more mature one in the first place and not got sucked into name calling but I am human after all. I'm done with the topic. Annnnnnd we move on.

You decided to troll, so I'll continue to point out the fact you are nowhere my level of skill. Plus you did not even read my thread prior to trolling.

And your plant looks in dire need of N/PH off-balance...this is how a contained plant should look:

View attachment 2943346

Bye now.
Hey bro, next time you try to flex the decorations, try and do a better job, I take Christmas Decorating serious as it pays the bills. Shit I wear sparkling garland around my neck during this time of the year!
View attachment 2943520

I put a little effort into some iPhone pictures. My models were a pleasure to work with!
Awww man! When will be a better time to all meet up in public and party without grief? Last year was a blast :)
Got caught up on the past few pages :-) Great stuff bro! Also, thanks for the boveda reports! I still havnt gotten any lol. Im also really digging those jars with the hygrometers! Those on a larger container with the bovedas would be cure game level perfection, real boss!

Now to go sub to your other journal.
