SUPER AUTO seeds (flash seeds)


flash seeds has a facebook page!/breeder.stitch... it has tons of photos. i can confirm that the plants grow for 120 days instead of 70 80, and they have a stalk thicker than my thumb, and 100-200 grams on them. they are same as 5 huge autos, 5 feet tall, they have genetics from a rare ruderalis from eastern europe that is far from the sea and in dry climate it is a tall, very late, rudy, so the auto gene is completely different its much later than lr2 , think diff, etc, much bigger. too big. huuuuge. u can ask him for direct on his fb. its not cheaper tho :/ buts its fresher. and more ecological.


Well-Known Member
I have no knowledge in "Super Autos"

I know a guy who grows autos and only autos because he grows indoors and can't grow outdoors or he would.
Anyway the get to the point, I've seen his plants up close and personal, I've touched them, and I've put a yard stick to them etc...

I don't know why people bash and hate autos other than the fact that they don't match up THC wise in % against photos.
This guy uses some good stuff and 5-6gal pots I think? anyway in 80 days he has 5-6 oz per plant and he grows a ton in one room.

if you sell (I dont) that is a ton of cash... especially if you sell to people who dont know weed like you do.
People that buy in the street or in ozs from time to time dont really know weed like growers
they just look, smell, maybe test smoke and thats it.
You can bullshit any strain, any mark up and as long as it gets them high and taste/smell/looks good you are guaranteed to get returns


my first time growing he told me to go with autos because it would be easier but Im one of those people who knows about autos and I want the most bang for my investment setting up a grow aint easy and autos prob wont do much for pain


Well-Known Member
i bought some flash sour diesel/ haze seeds, planted 6 and 4 came up. these were purchased through herbies. when i emailed herbies i was told that since they are not technically herbies seeds there is nothing they can do and that i am a dumbass for not knowing this. herbies also dropped the price by 33% while i was waiting for my seeds and wouldn't do anything about that, tough luck.
i'm not pleased with either company and while the 4 plants are growing, they are very tall and lanky with just first two secondary leaves out. they are getting lots of direct sun inside right now, hope they turn into something good because they were very expensive... good luck dealing with herbies, you may need it but they did send the seeds at least.
Herbies is good. He is not Walmart or Priceline. You made the decision to buy what you did when you did. Did you not?
i have 3 purple mazar autos going on 2 to 3 weeks doing great. all 3 seeds germed and aregrowing faster than i thought. stitch has his shit down guys.


Well-Known Member
And this freebie I received from seedsman called Copacabana superauto from Flash. I can't find any info on the strain so far.