Super Cropped / Topped Afghan Kush Ryders


Well-Known Member
Ok have 2 afghan kush ryders
on was topped at 3 nodes
one is just lst
both in 1 gal pots same mix same nutes
400w cooltube

ive noticed right before flower / first couple weeks of flower these things really stretch
so i decided to super crop both the topped and lst'd plant both the same age roughly the same time in flower 1-2 weeks in
will post results at the end
2013-07-28 21.03.22.jpg


My very first grow was Afghan Kush Ryders indoors in a tent. They all died because of poor ventilation, but they all sprouted and looked super healthy. Hopefully you have more luck than I did.


Well-Known Member
well "knock on wood"
i have'nt lost one from anything other then breaks or drops or failed seed in a few years now even the sickly ones get a chance