Honestly I would hold off on the uvb, not saying it wont help but get what you have dialed in first! 1k watt is plenty to get some frosty buds! Shit a couple cfl's is enough
I tried responding to your PM but you inbox is full. I copied and pasted this but its like bam said really, my best advice to you is GIVE IT TIME lol.. You will start seeing crystals around 2-4 weeks in I would say on average

You will see some nice frost build up just give it time and let your girls tell you what they need! I wouldn't get to caught up in the nute hype, concentrate more on the light intesity "Lowest point without burning" 1k can be left pretty damn far away and still penitrate the canopy! Your temps most importantly, try to keep them between 72-80 with the lights on and around 60-70 with them off. Doesn't have to be perfect but the more steady you can keep it the more growth and bud development you will see! Also don't feed to strong, start light and work your way up, practice is a big part of growing. Once you get through a few grows you will be able to read your plants more and more

Hope some of that helped, clear your damn pm box lol..
This is what I responded with..
Honestly from what I've noticed, the biggest thing to produce crystals is obviously the strain. After that I would say growing conditions, then the type of nutes probably plays a big role but I've mainly stuck with fox farms for now. light plays a key role too but you can get frosty buds with cfl's. Definitely cut before lights come on, I've never done the 24-48hr extended dark period so I'm not sure if that makes a big difference.. I would just stick to the basics and if you haven't tried it, molasses is cheap and seems to be very effective for plant health aswell. I can't say for sure if it helps with crystal production but it damn sure doesn't hurt it lol.