super lemon haze 6th week flowering upper leave edgers turning purplish...PICS


Well-Known Member
Curious is this was an issue.....after giving a strong dosage of nutrients to make up for the weeks of veg. growth with no nutrients for a few weeks, i noticed my plants all starting to get the signs of what i've been reading as nutrient i decided to flush em out with water for a few days and though they look healthier than ever, ive got on the tops of my 1 topped plant some purplish grayish almost edging on the leaves with the centers light green....bad sign?



Well-Known Member
lovely,, either cold temps at night or its in the genetics either way looks like she gunna be a pretty girl.

captain crunch

Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like anything to worry about, more like something to celebrate!

As was already stated, likely cause is temp drop or genetics.

Hmmm, purple super lemon haze....just sounds like fun!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the response! I guess i am celebrating, only 3-4 more weeks to go! Can't wait to try her....heres more pics to enjoy....nutrients used was humboldt organic grow, bloom and duece duece....600 watt mh/hps and seperate 250 watt hps for flowering....5 gallon pots, oceans forest soil pre mixed with dolomite lime, and tap water filtered through a brita filter (yeah waterings are about a 20 minute process)..ENJOY!



Well-Known Member
Just got 5 feminized slh seeds.... how do they stink???

I have a can filter 100 (over kill for my box, it was for a previous flower room grow) so that should take care of it, but it is noticeably strong?

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't trip bro I just finished six plants of slh and one went fully purple and that Is how it started. The leaves looked almost black when finished ans was purple dark purple everywhere truly beautiful to behold actually. It was the best smoke by far too.

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
I don't have a shot of the plant becuz the camera I had while it was flowering wasn't worth a fuk. But chek my gro in the sig I have a nice cured bud from it in the palm of my hand on a sunny day so u can see it in all its glory. Its right on the first page id post it here but I'm on my phone not desktop. Chek it out its sum of the best shit I've ever seen smoked and everyone I know agrees

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
I just seen u sai u have two weeks left. I woodnt count on it bro the flowering time gh gives is bs. None of the phenos I had went less than ten weeks. Let them plump they have a lot of swellin left to do.


Well-Known Member
Super lemon haze is NOT a very strong smelling bud....i have an apartment, and with the door to the room it's in shut and sealed at the bottom gap, with a small candle burning you can barely notice it....stronger at night i'd say.....also, i have it right next to my room, but also adjacent to the apartment next door and my whole "smell check theory" has been if i have it completely sealed in the room and can't smell it in my room which is on the opposite side of the wall the plants are next to, than my neighbor aint smelling it through the is sheetrocked and i re-caulked all the molding just to be sure there were no cracks.....

if you rub the plant, you have nothing but a super lemony smell....VERY apparent! =]


Well-Known Member
oh i missed the last post....i was actually counting on 10 weeks myself, but hoping for 8 lololol.....anyone know if it's true that usually lower buds mature before the upper ones? Im curious so when it comes time to magnify the trichomes, if im gunna have to check multiple branches, or is one all i need per plant?

Very close to the end (compared to the past), dont wanna fuck anything up! Been using the medical growers bible, but that shit is pretty wack, i must say....theres alot of good information but also alot of shit that isn't even that in depth....their aeroponics section is like what, 2 pages? BOOOOTY

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Yeah id check everything individual as mainly light exposure is ur main ripening factor many people including myself take the tops first becuz they are nice and close to the lights and finish faster. U then allow the bottom to continue on for a couple weeks. Adds weight and makes for a much better overall harvest in my opinion

Keep it mean and green,


Well-Known Member
omg that is seriously purple! looks sexy though....alot of my leaves are yellowing right now and now another plant is turning 2 out of 4 thus far....and yeah, on the stinky's double the stench this week as it was last maybe it is a stinky plant....still not overwhelming but definitely noticable


Well-Known Member
Nice plants bro! I'm excited I got my SLH about 3 weeks into flower soo far..I've got the same curling and can't figure it out, everyone thinks it's something else! Look into it but, according to numerous threads, lowering night temps help bring out the purple...has anyone here tried that method?


Active Member
damn man nice plants first grow thats crazy im trying to invest in a 400w hps system off ebay right now just money probs


Nice ladies bro, make sure you remember to flush your system 2 weeks prior to harvest with soft water, this will insure that your smoke will be crisp and strong not effected by the nutrients. also if you do not know turning out the lights for the last day before harvest will cause the plant to stress and produce more thc. oh yeah you can also get a reptile light the UV will increase thc production. if you have not deicded curing method i would suggest going with dry ice method. it will dry the buds very quick and you lose no thc. but dont stop there. i suggest if you want top grade taste and smell to slow cure it for 2 weeks. the dry ice should take a few hours. good luck bro and tell me how things turn out i see you got a gem or two in ure grow. i myself have a golden pheno im calling it gilded lemon.