Run ( at least ) 18/6 schedule start to finish. Some run longer but to me it really doesnt add much more to plant. Plants will " power down " during your cycle ( leaves start to droop ) perfectly normal as it begins to use its stored energy.
Auto can be planted in its final container size ( 3-5 gallon ) , it will not be stressed or shocked if you avoid uppotting.
Here is a Tangerine Dream , i just popped in a rapid Rooter plug in a 5 gallon pot.
NO paper towel bullshit .... Just a damp plug and a seed.
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If using LED lights ... Feeding is lighter than photos due to less transpiration as with HID . This also means watering is spread out more.
Autos hate stress - Any stress .... Overwatering , overfeeding , etc.
But you can do some light training on them .... LST . Some autos can be topped , some of them. You CANNOT clone an auto. It is on its own timeline ... Once popped it will move from seed to end usually within 90 days. That is why , the most common error growers do is fuck with them too much during their SHORT VEG TIME. They become sexually mature within 30-40 days from seed. That is why you keep the lights on them long ... So they can setup their structure and rootmass.
Once moved to flower stage .... Feed same veg feed for the first two weeks of flower then bloom after that ..... Less is more when running autos ... There is no reason to throw multiple bottles of this and that at them.
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