super lemon haze at last


Well-Known Member
Picture 004.jpgPicture 002.jpgPicture 001.jpgi took some time to tend to my clones this morning & all 42 are looking good i propped a few up as i want them all to be nice & straight i use the different colored toothpicks to brace leaning clones & to color code my strains & phenos i have 2 phenos of slh & some whitewidow-x-big bud which im not gonna use next grow is gonna be all slh ill select the best 12 for my grow, advance them into blocks & veg them under cfl's while my current grow finishes up it usually takes me about 9 days to show roots:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I'm all over the place right now with a soil scrog, a vert room that's mixed with soil and DWC and a E&F grow in hydroton, lol. Things will all come together very soon and I'll have some continuity in the grows with everything eventually coming together into one decent sized perpetual grow using multiple lights. Baby steps...

Had to go buy a new phone today since my iphone now has no sound in addition to the other problems it's been having lately. Since I use it for everything I kind of need a smartphone so I'm trying something different based on a suggestion by my brother and got a Samsung Focus which is a Windows 7 phone. So far it seems pretty cool and works great. Time will tell though how it'll hold up. My iphone is over 2 years old and has been through hell with me, lol.


Well-Known Member
hey dez got e-mail from attitude querkle is on the way im hoping it will be compatable with my slh im still trying to push for a second light & juggle 3 strains maybe 4 i always look for ''the one'' but at heart im a strain junkie


Well-Known Member
hey dez got e-mail from attitude querkle is on the way im hoping it will be compatable with my slh im still trying to push for a second light & juggle 3 strains maybe 4 i always look for ''the one'' but at heart im a strain junkie
Me too. Only difference is I already have 5 lights, lol. Selling one this week though, one of the three 600s. Then I'll have the two 600s and two 1000s and will be downsizing that after I harvest from the two 1000s too to either just the two 600s or a 600 and a 1000. Most likely a 1000 and a 600 so I can have a nice hobby grow and a nice cash crop.


Well-Known Member
a 600 & a 1000 is what im working on as ive got the 600 just sitting in all reality i need only 2 strains 1 green & 1 purple so im working in that direction the whitewidow-x-big bud is but nice but it dont sparkle & im gonna try some soon & then ill know ive already got clones started for a 3rd slh grow & its my bread & butter right now so it looks like querkle & slh in the near future


Well-Known Member
Picture 012.jpgPicture 011.jpgPicture 007.jpgPicture 006.jpgPicture 005.jpgi changed my reservoir this afternoon & these guys are still sucking up 1-1/2 to 2 gal. a day here is this evenings pics i should harvest in mid feb.:hump::weed:


Well-Known Member
Picture 021.jpgPicture 020.jpgPicture 019.jpgmy work has slowed down which leaves me time for my growroom & ultimatly this thread i changed my reservoir yesterday & it flooded the tub at 730 this morning i had to add 3 gals. of water to bring my level back to the 10 gal. mark ill adjust the ph this afternoon with lemon juice my ph always creeps up & is very predictable ive yet to form an opinion on the whitewidow-x-bigbud until i can see how good it smokes it grows good & has good bud formation but it has so far not generated sugar sparkles on the buds that whitewidow is noted for i took some pics this morning all 3 pics are of the ww-x-bb :clap:


Well-Known Member
Picture 028.jpgPicture 027.jpgPicture 026.jpgi have my clones set for 20 hrs of light a day today at lights out i removed the dome to start acclimating them to open air here is pics of my old cloner set up i used before i got the heat mat & dome set-up im on my 8th grow & being an out of work construction worker i didnt have the money in the beginning to afford the fancy stuff i sold a small fishing boat & bought a 400w light from htg it all just kind of took off from there & i still fabricate/adapt & invent wherever i can the hydro business is costly & would lead you to believe you need all the fancy gadgets they sell which is not entirely true i still use my ''casserole'' cloner when i do more clones than my heat-mat dome can handle my e&f flood trays are homemade as well & my exhaust fans are two home depot fans with a ''y'' adapter routed to 6'' ducting to pull air through my light i cant afford to buy or use air conditioning so i use a duct fan to pull cool air from underneath my house foundation in summer months i lined the walls of my room with mylar lined x-mas wrapping i found at the dollar store doing money saving stuff like that frees up more money for nutrients & stuff like that & you can also find good deals on used equip. as well im not saying the store bought stuff isnt nice to have cause a lot of it is im just saying it isnt absolutely neccessary especialy if youre just starting out & cash is in short supply:hump:


Well-Known Member
Just germinated a couple Super Lemon Haze from Green House.. Wanted to give them a head start over a couple kush strains I will be growing as well.. Hear nothing but good things about super lemon haze..


Well-Known Member
Picture 033.jpgPicture 032.jpgPicture 031.jpgPicture 029.jpgPicture 030.jpgjust got in from taking a few pics of my grow i miscalculated my harvest date [valentines day] i think its gonna be the end of feb. before its all said & done & i wish i would of vegged them 3 weeks instead of 2


Well-Known Member
hey heaverhuntr i seen on another thread that you grew whiterussian how did it jield,taste,smoke ???? & do you have any pics i have querkle coming up but would like to try w/r somewhere down the road


Well-Known Member
HH - update looks great - my new golden rule.... VEG 21 days!!! Period! I jacked up my program bad and went too long.... two weeks is too short.... 21 days is the magic number.... all of my grower friends agree.


Well-Known Member
Picture 003.jpgPicture 002.jpgPicture 001.jpgi cut the veg time on this grow because my plants were about 14'' high & last grow 2 of my plants got choked out my metod is a little different [rockwool/hydro] as well as my amount of light 1000w on a 3x3 tub [most people use 1000w = 4x4] i get aggressive growth up to 3 weeks after turning light 12/12 & weight gain up to 1 wk before harvest ive also isolated my desired pheno [i call it #3] i kept all of my notes from last grow ill only know for positive after i harvest & its all said & done but its looking as if 21 days could just be the magic number for me as well here is todays pics thats whats cool about having other people doing the same strain to rub elbows with & compare notes with it helps the learning process:clap:


Well-Known Member
Picture 006.jpgPicture 005.jpgPicture 004.jpgi pulled the dome off my clones yesterday & fed them seedling food dose today & advanced them to my cabinet under cfls in about a week ill select the ones i want for my next grow & put them in 3x3 blocks to grow under the cfl's until the stuff in my room finishes flowering by then the clones will be about 9-12'' tall i use an old document shredding cabinet for my clone cabinet its 18x18 x24'' i took 42 clones & so far 41 have made it i expect to loose a few more i'll use 12 of them for my next grow the rest will go into other grows:weed: