Super Lemon Haze from Greenhouse. Clone, 6 Weeks veg.


Active Member
this is my mother super lemon haze, vegging under 175 mh. allready took 4 clones and they have been veggin under 600 hps for a week. will have pics of clones under 600w hps soon.

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Active Member
very nice looks great and you just gave me a great idea I've been growing seedlings now for 3 weeks and one was a 3 leafer and is the best of the pack and people said to keep those for clones so do you just not flower and keep it under the 175 at how many hours?


Active Member
here is the 4 SLH under the 600w hps.. i accidentally left the window open a bit too much n it went down to 10 degrees Celsius for the 24 hours i wasnt there.. the pots were almost frozen.. plants looked ok but most of the stems turned purple. i watered them with room temp water n closed the room, pics were taken while room was still 10 degrees. now its 22 degrees c and they look better. think they will be ok?
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