super lemon haze... HELP!

My super lemon haze was just added a gallon of water, with 4teaspoons of fox farm. I am using fox farm soil ocean breeze, and i think I may of added to much water or nutrients. I didn't water it for 4 days. So not sure if a gallon would over water, someone please help.

Sebastien Blades

Well-Known Member
First of all how old is your plant? Second, you added way too much nutrient. FF suggested feeding is about 1 tsp. a gallon. You added four times that much. IDK if you over watered or not becuase I have no idea how large your container is, how old the plant is, or how growing environment. If your plant is 3 feet tall, in a 5 gal container with 80 degree temps then 1 gal should be good. Please let me know your environment conditions, plant age and container size size and i will help more. Its Fox Farm Ocean Forrest BTW and It is an extremely "hot" soil.
That is about right 4 gal container at 77 degrees, I know I fucked up it and fed it to much but somehow cream caramel and bubblicious were fine with the feedings. Must be beginner plants, but I hope my baby survives, shrinking size on it's leaves and it is fuckin depressing. I'm just hoping it heals eventually.


Active Member
It also helps to tell us what is wrong. You literally told us nothing. You sound like the kid who shot his friends eye out. "whats wrong jimmy?" "I done bad" "whats did you do bad?" "I messed up". See how helpful that is? Whatever is it, Blades is probably right, the 4 teaspoons is kinda redic. Did you read the packaging? Never start with 100% what it says and definitely NEVER go more. Start with 15% and work your way to 75%, then don't go past that.
Yeah I didn't give much info cause I realized what I did, just was hoping someone did the same routine, and hopefully just knew to fix it. It's just weird cause my Cream Caramel and bubblicious did fine with heavy feeding. Unless... They got hit today.


Active Member
give it a few days and then see how the other plants are, you wont see results straight away, anyway you will learn by your mistake and hopefully not do it again.