Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hell yah i know that feeling Doc, I was in florida when that last august when that hurricane blew right past. park all your stuff inside and pack water n food for a few days. even the locals said it was bad for their hurricanes.

eff the breakaway bubbleponics group in the A hole. elitist bungholio's imo.

launch sequence initiated eh! let the fun times roll;) have a good weekend ambz


Well-Known Member
Hi Amber,
These storms are should see the frontal beasts that spawn tornadoes. Those are scary.

If you think she may need some support...take the hose and drench her foliage to see how far she sags. I'm starting to think a jumbo size tomato cage from concrete "remesh" [re-enforcement mesh] for my ladies.


Active Member
Hi Amber,
These storms are should see the frontal beasts that spawn tornadoes. Those are scary.

If you think she may need some support...take the hose and drench her foliage to see how far she sags. I'm starting to think a jumbo size tomato cage from concrete "remesh" [re-enforcement mesh] for my ladies.

YA i was all pumped for some rain...but only 3 drops fell:( wants me some of that good ol monsoon humidity^^

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hydra !!!!!!! im so mad at you right now!!!!! i could slap you upside your head!!!!!! i wrote you a nice pm and your fuckin inbox is full. ill tell you all about EVERYthing when your mommy leaves.only joking.
havent had a chance to check me tap ppm cuz i filter everything R/O but im curious just the same in this new dump up by Sunrise and Swan.. it was reading 550 ppms. pure poision . i would never ever think about feeding my precious lil girls shit like that.


Well-Known Member
I don't think I would care to drink water from the lower Colorado River....ewwww!

we're far and away from your aquifer.


Active Member
hydra !!!!!!! im so mad at you right now!!!!! i could slap you upside your head!!!!!! i wrote you a nice pm and your fuckin inbox is full. ill tell you all about EVERYthing when your mommy leaves.only joking.
havent had a chance to check me tap ppm cuz i filter everything R/O but im curious just the same in this new dump up by Sunrise and Swan.. it was reading 550 ppms. pure poision . i would never ever think about feeding my precious lil girls shit like that.

BAM cleared! Send away.

Holy toledo! I just got done reading about PPM and hydro, i had NO IDEA! Someone mistakenly told me early on that as long as im using organic nutes(pureblendpro) that i dint have to worry about ppm......BOY WAS HE WRONG!
With 550-600 that only leaves me 100-150 ppm for nutes(am i correct?) SO if i have R/o water with VERY low ppm, i can pump the nutes up in that water till it hits 700 pm or so right?

You ever breed seeds Doc?
Been dreaming about crossing this fruity pebbles with some Wifi i have, would make GREAT tasting herbs.
AND WOW you lived up in the foothills you fancy pants girl you!!! I dont like it up there, its pretty but all the old rich republicans erk me:)
However im probably moving out of the city into a nice house in marana or 25 miles out in Benson.....trying to keep grow right so i can make some great AZ only strains in my spare time:)

Cheers, have a great day and stay outta the heat!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
you stay chilled too Hydra, the heat is debilitating. Im staying outta it as much as possible.
No i never tried breeding ye, it seems like so much fun, especilally if you are lucky enough to create a killer strain! i wish you much luck with your breeding projects my friend... .
you know the . 25 mile rule.. its just not worth worrying about in my opinion. What if you do move the distance and a dispensary opens up closer then 25 miles? well your fucked...There is a lawsuit in the works right now agianst it as we all know how UNCONSTITUTIONal it is...i cant believe its even a law ! so then you i get offerered being a caregiver for a group of patients in Safford. The fuckers expect an oz a monthper patient to be their caregiver!!! a fuckin oz!!!! what brotherly sisterly love for fellow patiients lwho live in the city looking to stay lagit and grow their own medz legal. it sickins me dude.
You realize that they just need to sign and approve you as their caregiver.. it doesnt cost them a penny.. But the caregiver have to go get fingerprints , do all sorts of paperwork and pay about $150 dollars to sign up to take care of them. its discusting!
For those of you who dont know about the new AZ law....
the 25 mile rule states that any patient , even with a mj state AZ card cannot grow within 25 miles of a dispensary.
Good luck with the move and i do hope things work out for you.
My girl is coming along splendedly and im hoping to get some more popping real soon.
yeah, im much happier back in the barrio again. i fit in soooo much better down here amugst the real people.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
so thangs is cumin together in mynew crib. The tron is a rockin hard and pumping up some serious dankness in my 3 door sliding closet custome decorated wit some sweet bright neon eye candy. yummy inside and out.
fruity pebble og 005.jpgfruity pebble first 1212 week 004.jpgfruity pebble first 1212 week 009.jpg


Well-Known Member

da tron has mirrors for reflective material ??
i member sumtine negative about it i think it was
mirrors absorb light instead of reflecting not sure was long ago

plant is so over da hump now lookin good
lets stay on da good foot


Well-Known Member
I think I read somethin similar. They were saying white is better. I say, go with what works for you.
I have a few homebrew crosses in ... Pandora'sBox/DeadheadOG X UrbanPoison/[Critical+ X Armegeddon]
Smells like rootbeer.
And a Mexican crossed to the same Urban/Critical. If this one is anything like either parent, she will have a bright flavor. The Mex was a grapefruit flavor and the Durban/Critical is a floral/ether, to will see

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hey dweeezie.whats up with you man? im just listening to Bob Marley, easing into my weekend after a brutal work week...I love the song.trench town good thing about music.. when it hits you u feel no pain.the phototron reflective mirror-like inside panels.. are not real mirrors. They look very similar but they bend. I would say they are more like a funhouse mirror type material. m really not sure what it is. It looks like mirrors and works just wonderfully. Im trying hard to stay on the good foot dweezie, thanks for your uplifting vibe...when im burning on illusion tonite. (what is with this red underlining I get when I type.. I don't like it at all.. )im thinking about getting this LED light from Area 51 for my tent.. what do you think?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I think that the Area-51 LED light will make a lovely new addition to my grow op . It compliments the Phototron just perfectly with its black frame and bright white lights. I will be able to eliminate the older heavy bulky gear that weighs me down moving around.I will be able to save a bundle on electricity and keep the heat down as well with the new light. The LeD light has a built in fan! isn't that just amazing!! I will be looking to sell one set of my old set of gear ..which includes a nice dimmable Lumitek 600 watt ballast, a xTra sun light hood, One HPS light and a 6inch inline fan. Im going to hold onto my other set for a lil bit though, and of course the other tent.have a wonderful day and I hope all your gardening dreams come TRUE!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
lol! yeah that's no im def not a blond although you prob think I act like one don't cha! ;-) My Area 51 LED badmoefoe Light shipped out already! yippy kIe A!!! The fruity Pebbles is just exploding with new growth and I was able to top her so perfectly to fit the high verticle upward tunnel of the tron. Shes got 4 main colas .. all the same height ready to shoot straight up . Shes gorgeous and im soo happy , sooo happy! I fuckin flowering again mate!! fresh bud in weeks.. I love me fresh bud!! I was able to do quite a bit more drawing this weekend as well on my Flowamaster inspired bud picture.... Have a terrific day! and may all your gardening Dreams come True! peace and hair grease...ambz:hug:SAM_0113.jpgSAM_0107.jpgSAM_0108.jpg


Well-Known Member
coffee club this wk...I'll be in town? gotta hit the lumber yard and a few errands. An empanada and some good coffee will be a welcome break


Active Member
YAY that fruity pebbles is looking my-t-fine. Im just hoping my FP clones get roots as i decimated the mother plant to get 16 clones of it, and i have an abysmal cloning record......

Stay frosty out there.... its hot as hell outside.