That Gorilla Tent with the Kessel is so freakin CUTE!


I really really REALLY love it and I have to HaVE ONE!!! TEll me everything about it, where do I get it, how much. Good Luck in the contest. I hope you win. Do you have a new journal or where can i follow your grow? You have the coolest style , your one dope ass hip mother fuckin DOG!
DR D81 holy sheep shit those girls are huge! they will towering over your fence by harvest. Its a jungle back there. I am so happy for you , you must be super delighted with everything. Im so happy things have worked out so amazing for you and your family. I know it must have been really hard to move across country like do you miss your extended family at all?
beaner damn those shrooms your growing? wow! that's cool as hell. I love shrooms!! I never grew them before. it looks like you have a got a very nice simple system down. Impressive!.
I framed your beautiful drawing and have it proudly hanging up in my house now!!! I LOVE IT!
HAHA stick a dildo down Donalds throat, that would be so bitchin!! and have Meagan dressed up in a sadomasochist outfit with whips and chains to beat him silly. PRIME TIME BABY! most viewers EVER! give the people what they want!
Thanks so much for sharing your grows and photos with me, I really love them all!
I bought some fun stuff at the craft store to play with like stickers and flourecent crayons and a cool piece of tie die paper!
I heard that the latest trend is to stop making things pink for girls and blue for boys. Like trying to not have any gender influence on children's ideas that may perhaps influence their sexuality as they grow up.? Pink is my favorite color, that's so sad if it weren't.
PeACE and LOve 4 ever,Ambski