Lol, yeah he lives in


That's a nice shot DST.

I remember meeting you there and drinking at that place with the benches outside and sampled a variety of flavors.

that beer was hella strong!!!

. and i remember we then went over and finished our beers and got high by the canal on that sunny day. That is a cool place.
The Phototron I have must be older then yours UniDragon.
They stopped production on mine years ago.
I have 10 2 feet lights on the bottom and then 10 1 foot lights around the top, above the 10 2 feet lights.
That is just the way they use to make them and im not sure why. I use all the same bulbs.
Can you please upload some pictures of you Phototron and some of its features . I would love to see the connection area of where you lights plug in.,
Another feature I have that im not sure you have.
I have a light socket with a long cord .THe light hangs from the top center and can be pulled down about 2 feet for adjusting. Its cord runs down the side of the tron and down to the bottom.
I noticed while cleaning it that the cord got brown and toasted So I taped it up with electrical tape.
Does you tron have those little annoying thimble like looking holes at the bottom? THey are very difficult to clean, and I have NO idea whey they are even there.
Armadillos are such strange creatures. THey look like rats with shells on .
Here is a picture of the bottom of my Tron with those weird cup like baskets at the bottom that are diffiucult to clean and get stuff trapped in them.
View attachment 3517806
This is the cord that runs up the side of the Tron and goes to the hanging light socket that hangs out the top. It got all toasted from the heat.
View attachment 3517807
View attachment 3517808
This is the light socket that hangs from the top which that side cord is connected to.
View attachment 3517809
Taped it back to the side of the phototron.
View attachment 3517810
Sorry , this is SIDE view of the lights in the Phototron. If you look closely in the middle, you can see the length of the cord and the socket and how far down it can go.
View attachment 3517812

the book is getting much easier for me to read. I don't really get PAT. and Mr. Runciter has been frozen and flown to Munick to be stored next to Ella.
Herbert Schoenheit von Vogelsang "meaning the beauty of the song of birds" I really dig his character. And some of the outfits they ware are hysterical. like pointed yellow shoes.

almost half way done. I bet your close to finishing the meditation book , aren't you Supreme Bean?