Super lemon haze led


using a blackstar led 240w hanging 4 inchs above the plant. The seeds were germinated with paper towel and planted in potting soil (humas, compost, perlite, peatmoss) and watered just a little every other day. The plant is in 35% humidity and 78 degrees. I think the plant is stunned or dying and its been 1 week like this and 2 weeks overall.
Any suggestions would be appreciated



Well-Known Member
ur soil looks a little "hot" meaning high level of nitrogen possibly. high humidity during veg but 100% would be raining...not good MJ is not a plant that like to sit in moisture. we keep our humidity at around 50-60% during veg and around 20-25 for flowering. also don't use any ferts and water lightly until it gets better. you have a fan going?
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Active Member
agreed 100% is way to much for a plant in veg,, but he has a seedling, he should try to be up a bit for the first weeks of life.(thats what ive read) still tho 100% is to much. my brother has 5 seedlings right now, 5 days old in a humidity dome..


im just growing in a closet with a fan running. How am I suppose to get the humidity up. in a closet? I guess i would need a tent or something?


Active Member
Add a bowl of water that is under the light and has the fan blowing over it. Damp towel works very well too and you will have more control.


Well-Known Member
just having moisture in the closet will increase the humidity. just don't overdo the soil. make sure its not saturated just lightly damp.