Super mini plants (update)


Well-Known Member
You are doing good so far except your like me when I first started... ampped up. You will see them it time. They are definitely big enough to see with the naked eye after about 2 days of forming.


Well-Known Member
dude i hope so, i just checked them again, i dont see much but those stipules things, yet i dont have a magnifying glass.. will i need one to see them or what? ahh im so nervous FUCK
You will need some type of looking close device to check the tricombs when they are close to harvest. Theres several different types of looking tools, heck, if you want you can spend thousands on a microscope. Generaly its about 20x to 40x that your after. I bought a guy that was on his first grow once because he was about to cut down his sweet tooth three weeks early, dont do that ok. Look into tricombs please.


Well-Known Member
You will need some type of looking close device to check the tricombs when they are close to harvest. Theres several different types of looking tools, heck, if you want you can spend thousands on a microscope. Generaly its about 20x to 40x that your after. I bought a guy that was on his first grow once because he was about to cut down his sweet tooth three weeks early, dont do that ok. Look into tricombs please.
haha i will dude no worries, not sure bout tha 1000 $ thing LOL. and messed up thanks dude i cant wait


Well-Known Member
and dudes, the pistils. they come out beside the stipule ya, but what do they come out of... does it look any sort similar to a male part at first, i see some picture on the internet that makes it look like a bal at first or something?


Well-Known Member
Do you see that little dot on my picture of my balls. Theyll come from there, i know the sac on my plant is small so i hope you can see it at all. Its right at the stem where the node comes off the stem. Pistals take twice as long to show so the longer you go without seeing a ball the more likely youll be seeing up a dress rather than trousers, i love seeing girl parts, dont we all. Those jewelers loops or mini microscopes are like 12-17 bucks or somthin like that but you wont need one till you know theyre girls and your almost ready to harvest...and you know what a tricombe is. lol dont stress, they are what they are already, you stressin wont change anything cept maybe the consistancy of your crap and your life expectancy, smoke one and relax.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Do you see that little dot on my picture of my balls. Theyll come from there, i know the sac on my plant is small so i hope you can see it at all. Its right at the stem where the node comes off the stem. Pistals take twice as long to show so the longer you go without seeing a ball the more likely youll be seeing up a dress rather than trousers, i love seeing girl parts, dont we all. Those jewelers loops or mini microscopes are like 12-17 bucks or somthin like that but you wont need one till you know theyre girls and your almost ready to harvest...and you know what a tricombe is. lol dont stress, they are what they are already, you stressin wont change anything cept maybe the consistancy of your crap and your life expectancy, smoke one and relax.:peace:
lol dude i get rialed up sometimes my bad, i smoke alot but it doesnt help my worries haha im just that guy.
cant wait once again, will take pictures tomorrow around 830am est. time


Well-Known Member
update guys, so i was so excited, i had to take them out of the dark period for 1 minute and a half. i snapped a picture of the big one... i forgot to even look at the small one but heres the picture i snaped...

still nothing, just the little tiny leaves sprouting from the stem, and the stipules still . what u guys thinking !!!



Well-Known Member
Still not seein balls. No news is good news. Lol dont screw with your dark period lol. Theres plenty of time to look at em tommorow lol


Well-Known Member
Looks like you need patience. P.s. don't pull your plants out of the dark again. Especially when it's switching over to flowering. Your gonna stress it hermi.


Well-Known Member
relax guys i didnt know it would be that huge of a deal, my budy said a minute or 2 wouldnt be an isue neither would 15. the only light in my house that was on was a tiny little table lamp. anywyas heres the picture guys. for some reason i see a tiny little ball on my big plant fuck. or is the beginning of the pistils? it only has one tiny littlle one. is this bad news like fuck im gunna be pised ugh, the little one still no sex yet.



Well-Known Member
i also did some reading, female flowers dont always show pistils right away they do carry that little sack they come out of, i also looked a more male pictures. it look like at least 2 or 3 bals in a cluster.. and even if its 1 , the ball looks fucked up and more like a ball, my sac looks kinda pear/oval shaped. AHHH help please LOL sorry guys.

more i looked at
female ( mine kinda looks like it could be this )
male ( mine doesnt look much like this at all)
male again ( nor like this )


Well-Known Member
fuckkkkkkk its a male isnt it :( ahhh i dont wanna hear it!
I can see what your talking about. Ive been looking for the same thing so when you see eben the smallest thing you notice it and go a little locco. Its to small to be 100% certain yet but its not a great sign. Makes sence that the larger one would turn out to be male, mine seem to be headed that direction. Which reminds, i should go look again. Dont kill it yet, wait until you know for sure. Plenty of time until he can actually pollenate but you may be right pistils might pop out. Dont go jumpin off a bridge yet lol


Agree with dont jump to conclusions, I had three plants and two started to show what i thought was balls so i got rid of them instantly, a week later my third plant had the same situation and its got pistils all over it now/ zero balls now im wishing I would have waited with the other two.


Well-Known Member
Agree with dont jump to conclusions, I had three plants and two started to show what i thought was balls so i got rid of them instantly, a week later my third plant had the same situation and its got pistils all over it now/ zero balls now im wishing I would have waited with the other two.
Lol, checked my plants and all of em have the same type of growth. A couple of them have what looks like puckered lips at the tops though. Hold tight luigi ol boy, go out tonight and fuck yourself up to the point of certain liver damage and see if you can fandangle some tail along the way. Girls, drugs, and booze always get my mind off my problems. This is my first try too and i think that im like three days ahead of your cycle so even if nobody else has advice for ya, ill keep you in the loop as far as whats happening over here. In the mean time, sex, and drugs, trust me, im a doctor.


Well-Known Member
I can see what your talking about. Ive been looking for the same thing so when you see eben the smallest thing you notice it and go a little locco. Its to small to be 100% certain yet but its not a great sign. Makes sence that the larger one would turn out to be male, mine seem to be headed that direction. Which reminds, i should go look again. Dont kill it yet, wait until you know for sure. Plenty of time until he can actually pollenate but you may be right pistils might pop out. Dont go jumpin off a bridge yet lol
lmao dude, i just check them again... that little ball thing looks more like another stipule coming out now, its extremely thing and is not really a ball shape any more i dont know it still green.. im not trashing nothing yet untill i know 100% obviously, and the little guy still hasnt showed nothing , <3 praying. and redrrain thanks for that dude. gives me some sort of hope for sure!!!! CANNOT wait guys.


Well-Known Member
Lol, checked my plants and all of em have the same type of growth. A couple of them have what looks like puckered lips at the tops though. Hold tight luigi ol boy, go out tonight and fuck yourself up to the point of certain liver damage and see if you can fandangle some tail along the way. Girls, drugs, and booze always get my mind off my problems. This is my first try too and i think that im like three days ahead of your cycle so even if nobody else has advice for ya, ill keep you in the loop as far as whats happening over here. In the mean time, sex, and drugs, trust me, im a doctor.
and lmfao broooo haha made my night, i have hard core work hours tho man i cant really do that - i havent gone out partying in 4 - 5 months . also tied up with univeristy shit. ive just been smoking away all i can. costing me a fortune like 400+$ a month .. adds up .