Super-newb - Aerogarden Grow


Well-Known Member
Definitely, definitely...all things considered, I'm running this initial grow as a test run. If I can get a single plant to flower, and harvest, i'll consider it a success.

Afterwards, with most of the startup costs out(AG, seeds), I can focus on lights/structure :)


Well-Known Member
thanks :)

Once my finances straighten out, and my cash flow is better, I plan to work a large metal cabinet into a growroom, hopefully with nice CFLs, an exhaust fan, and a filter of some sort

Possibly also install a hydroton-filled, laundry-basket style backup area for more plants :)
Haha, sounds like a nice plan!

I see you switched your banner... :wink:


Well-Known Member
SO it can be any soft white cfl? mm nice. i'm using 4 cfls for right now. But Damn it's already been 2 weeks in 12/12 i can only see little dots. can't tell what it is yet!
might as well squeeze in this question :hug: LOL
well i had 4 clones root on my AG and ones they rooted i had them on a pot of soil with sunlight outside. looks like they got burnt. :( 2 got attacked by my dog though. and well do you think it was since the sun was too hot for them OR Maybe they got nute burn. (the only soil i had available to use says that it feeds your plants for up to 6 months) :D


Well-Known Member
well, if you did 12/12 FROM SEED in an AG, that's not the way to go....seeded AGs need to be at 20/4 or 24/0 till they sprout, then leave em on 18/6 until they're done vegging, then flower in 12/12, as far as i know (AFAIK, im also a newb)

As for the clones...with outdoor light/water and soil mix, anything is possible. Try starting clones in the AG for a couple weeks, THEN move them outside, if possible

Also, question: Looks like I'm gonna have 3 fightin' plants, and 1 maybe bringin up the rear. They're only 2wks old, but is it time to transfer them around the AG so they all get good space, or should I let them develop more and get stronger, before trying to move them around?


Well-Known Member
well they rooted in 5 days. i left them 2 more days in the ag and then move them to a pot. Well When you clone yours. How short has your smallest clone been?


Well-Known Member
i would space em apart as much as you can, so if any males, wont be too much of a hassle of removing the plant


Well-Known Member
heyyyyy leova! I found you!! haha. thanks or dropping by my thread. im subscribed and pulling up a chair...
im still debating bagseed in my grow...
nervous about online ordering.. did you deliver to your house and use your own credit card number?? (im in the US and not in a medicinal state, thats why im so paranoid...oh and i smoke too much hahaha)

:peace: and happy growing :hump:


Well-Known Member
i would go with the bagseed if you have it, cause seeds are alot of money, and tha just add to the cost of the grow, i kno its safe, i think lurkmaster, if you have seen him around, said his friend used his real name, and nothing happened, all you really get is a letter from customs, saying your package was taken, i don't think they do a full on investigation you kno, but here is the link


Well-Known Member
I live in the US as well, and I ordered online from Attitude seeds, using my real name, real address, and real credit card #
Yes, I ordered it "to my grow", but before the grow started :)

not getting stealth = wishing for an arrest


Well-Known Member
My leaves have been yellowing recently, and I'm a bit concerned.

Any thoughts? PH looks to be approx 6-6.2, maybe a bit high?

Also, I bought this lamp for my room(just regular lamp uses), but then figured it might be good for growin...unfortunately, its 5ft tall!
As you can see, its got the cord running all the way through, coming out the bottom end via a screw. Does it look like it can be removed, or can I somehow splice the wire?
(I'm not an electrician, so its gotta be simple and safe...)

The roots are lookin' nice, stickin out the AG sponges and some reaching into the water. Nice and white :)



Well-Known Member
I would say it is the pH causing your leaf woes. i try to keep mine around 5.8.. so small and minute a difference though. what nutes and what strength are you using?


Well-Known Member
A couple days ago, I flushed the res and started 1/4 strength AG Starter nutes(2 big tabs in a small plastic baggie). Took one tab, split it into 4pcs, then dissolved it in a 2L bottle of water before putting it in.

Couple days later, the growth was good and strong, but the leaves had started to yellow slightly.

Yesterday I flushed half the res, and replaced with Brita filtered water, no nutes. I did this to leave SOME nutes in the left-over 1/2 res, but get the level down a bit by diluting it with the added water. Was that the wrong thing to do?

Should I use the other nutes, the small "Growing Nutes" tabs?
While I wait, may as well post a couple pics of my setup, eh?

The first two are the space I'll be using, once everything gets here, and I clean out the clothes/etc.

The next two are of the Aerogarden itself, I went with a 7-pod model(apparently its 7, i miscounted earlier)
Last pic is the way I plan to have it setup...if all goes well, theres space there for another one, if i turn it sideways

(oh, and ignore the dates. Camera had been off for so long, it reset itself I guess...)
hey there aurogrower tell me i am going to try just good seeds and see what happens i have got the samthing you got only diff. i using reg. seeds from hydro sateva tell me what you think i will let know what happens hope just takes a little longer later.
well auro grower i not to far behind you i got same set up how are you mixing nutients i am just using water untill i see root let me know if you dont mind.


Well-Known Member
A couple days ago, I flushed the res and started 1/4 strength AG Starter nutes(2 big tabs in a small plastic baggie). Took one tab, split it into 4pcs, then dissolved it in a 2L bottle of water before putting it in.

Couple days later, the growth was good and strong, but the leaves had started to yellow slightly.

Yesterday I flushed half the res, and replaced with Brita filtered water, no nutes. I did this to leave SOME nutes in the left-over 1/2 res, but get the level down a bit by diluting it with the added water. Was that the wrong thing to do?

Should I use the other nutes, the small "Growing Nutes" tabs?
honestly its hard to say, my best advice is to just flush the tank completely, run pure pH stabilized water and no nutrients tabs until the new leaf set appears and is healthy. i had similar problems in my first grow (wasn't in an aerogarden) and that did the trick, after about 4 or 5 days of fresh water and no nutrients, new growth looked healthy and strong. THAT'S when i went back to the nutrient regiment.

now i occasionally run a tank of fresh water every couple weeks for a day or two, just rinse away excess salts.


Well-Known Member
Weird reddish gunk in my airline tubes

While draining my res today and filling it up with fresh water, I noticed that the tubes of my airstone hoses had a slimy residue on them, and had reddened.
Definitely don't think it was helping the plants, they seem to have taken well to the fresh water.

Anyone ever see this before?

Can the tubing be cleaned and used again?

