super newbie


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I wish you all great harvesting. so this is my story. I have 0 experience of growing anything, a couple of months ago my friend give me a bag of seeds, which he collected one by one from his buying, so I just try to grow, and the first seed was already successful, so I brought a Philip 20 Watts LED grow light blub and it growing slow but healthy, meanwhile, I start learning from youtube and googling how to grow cannabis, I had topping it couple times, and then when it grows bigger, I bought a 2.5 x2.5 grow tent with a 400 watts grow light, after 3 months, now it looks like flowering? I only try the light schedules 24/0, 20/4, so I guess it's an auto? very less white hair, and the end show brunt. I hope it will flower better later on, does anyone know if it is auto and what kind of breed? any suggestion would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
People can’t identify plants by looking at them sorry
IC. i have no clue what it is, but is it looks flowering now? since I didn't try the 12/12 light schedule so i assume it is an auto. i maybe totally wrong. i think no hurm to try 12/12 since i already plpant this for 3months.


Well-Known Member
Nicely trained for zero experience as well
thank you. I think I did stress it too much, It has been transplanted two times, and I had cracked the middle part when LST 3 weeks ago too. I almost trim it every day, maybe that's too much stress too..260732556_304064608099355_3579635498102686021_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong there IMO except trimming daily possibly. They are very tough so don’t sweat any but the worst breaks. A little tape fixes most better than new


that's a pretty nice grow for a 1st one.. just don't mind the breed at all now, the plant's looking like its gonna give u a good yield that's for shooo:weed: bud branches are numerous !! now it needs darkness asap .. 12/12 .. try pruning
(removing big leaves that are covering the lower parts of those nice branches) it'll increase the yield even more and also helps you avoid mold.. at the end when your flowers are 1 week from ready to harvest try this if you want

keep it G


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong there IMO except trimming daily possibly. They are very tough so don’t sweat any but the worst breaks. A little tape fixes most better than new
Yes, scare the shit out of me when I heard that crack, I tape it asap with wire tape for 48 hours and it looks fine. in the last 2 weeks flowers start to grow white hair, but very little, and then I cut away some of it which can't reach the top. the first 1 and the half month I switch from 20watts to 40 to 60, and now using 400 watts with grow tent. and moving the tent from indoor to outdoor for less heat and better airflow. I hope it will grow better buds.


Well-Known Member
that's a pretty nice grow for a 1st one.. just don't mind the breed at all now, the plant's looking like its gonna give u a good yield that's for shooo:weed: bud branches are numerous !! now it needs darkness asap .. 12/12 .. try pruning
(removing big leaves that are covering the lower parts of those nice branches) it'll increase the yield even more and also helps you avoid mold.. at the end when your flowers are 1 week from ready to harvest try this if you want

keep it G
thanks for the tips! I am always hesitate to remove the big leaves, it looks healthy, but I read some articles said that it took away the energy for buds growing too.


Well-Known Member
I would personally advise against moving tent outside. If outside provides better climate , then put it out. You might as well take advantage of the sun if your risking pest and mold in return


thanks for the tips! I am always hesitate to remove the big leaves, it looks healthy, but I read some articles said that it took away the energy for buds growing too.
believe me you need buds not leaves.. that's exactly what I've read too.. just watch out trimming more than 1/3 of the plant's total leaves to avoid shocking it.. the leaves that are covering areas where there are flowers popping out are the ones to target..