Super noob here


Active Member
About to start a closet grow, I am very broke and would like to use a cfl grow, so any help on this would be great. I have never grown a thing in my life so please bare with me. Idk what to
Do as far as after germination when do I start using light n for how long, and when should I wait till to start adding nutrients and all that shit. Any help is appreciated.
nd i wouldnt veg for about 2 to 3 weeks until its strong enuf to handle nutes..i just finished a blue cheese cfl grow. very satisfied for wat it was. 8 42w cfls and 6 26w cfls.. read thru threads and other forums this site is helpful. happy growing


Well-Known Member

^^ read that...its in this section...its long, but it has pretty much all the info you want. There is also a CFL growing section to read up on. best word of advice about light I could give in regards to CFL's is get as many as you can...and keep them 1-2" away, you will have to adjust daily. Post your questions as you have them, and provide pictures if needed, and always tell us what you are growing with/etc, we cant read your mind ;)


Active Member
I am very broke and would like to use a cfl grow
200w of CFL will grow you a nice plant, $40 DIY (1 4-pack 5600k +1 6-pack 2700k = $25, hardware $15 wiring tutorial in my sig)
1 bag of FFOF $20-$25
1 bag lime $4
1 bottle Tiger Bloom $20
1 5 gal bucket $2.50

Grow pot for $100, plenty of help here


Active Member
i am using just a simple closet i wanna try hydroponics but i am not a crafty dood and have no idea were to start when it comes to putting it together so probabally ust gonna go dirt. i have no idea how to make a little light fixture either so just gonna get a ballast type deal going n hang the lights n adjust them with a chain. im not trying to grow lbs but a couple z's would b e nice. idk what pics i would need to post as well so let me know so you can help me. thanks


Active Member
i am using just a simple closet i wanna try hydroponics but i am not a crafty dood and have no idea were to start when it comes to putting it together so probabally ust gonna go dirt. i have no idea how to make a little light fixture either so just gonna get a ballast type deal going n hang the lights n adjust them with a chain. im not trying to grow lbs but a couple z's would b e nice. idk what pics i would need to post as well so let me know so you can help me. thanks
Expect an ounce per 100w of CFL, IF you're lucky. If your budget is small, then money spent on hydro equipment would be MUCH better spent on lighting and ventilation.


Active Member
how would i go about a rubbermaid hydro set up than because i would love to try it but again very uncrafty here


Active Member
just keep it simple man, start yourself of small and work your way up. once you have a plant growing you will be happy nomatter what