Super Pissed OFF !

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
if they wanna watch me go to the store, and home depot, then take the long way home.....well, they can watch, i don't give a shit. i'll be glad to have as many of "THEM" tracking my phone as possible. "THEY'RE" gonna be bored, and amazed at how good i am at solitaire, and Einstein Riddle, and disappointed that i never watch porn on my phone (not that i wouldn't, but i'm old, need a bigger monitor)

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I got the damn thing day or so ago. Good thing i had the phone on mute.
I'm not finding too many folks who find this unauthorized intrusion all that acceptable. I'd phone my service provider and rag em out but that would only result in telling some stupid cunt off-shore to fuck off. Pointless in other words.
I logged onto the alert ready site and spewed off a filthy rant and dared them to call call yet!!
I'm NOT their fuckin boy and could careless of their problem or issues or alerts.
I WANT an opt out option.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
calm down, not gonna do any good to pop a blood vessel. wait a week or two then start looking on line, people will be posting hacks to either kill them or manipulate them. if you don't feel comfortable following the directions, get a techie friend to help.