super powers, you can only have one, what, and why


Well-Known Member
if i could choose a different power

my super power would be to chose to turn into liquid at will and reform parts of my body as needed

the only drawback or weakness i could think of is when i got scared i would turn into water and mely into the ground


if he was really from chicago he would understand? were you really from bro palos hills or something lol

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
if i could choose a different power

my super power would be to chose to turn into liquid at will and reform parts of my body as needed

the only drawback or weakness i could think of is when i got scared i would turn into water and mely into the ground
only problem with that is when you turn into liquid ' without a binding agent you will be lost, now turning into gel would be better

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i went to roberto clemente and you aint from the low
my dude how you gonna tell me where im from you sound crazy its no way i can prove to to where i from without tilling you who i am and even then you would say he not real - listen i would love to get into a back and forth with you and start set trippin on the net butt they will just closed down this thread and im almost fed up with the site and there rules, so before we get all gang related on the computer lets chill out and smoke a fatty , lets finish talking about fake superpowers and what to do with them

(instead of showing love to another chicity repersenter you want to start beef but i refuse to fall into it, show some love )

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i like the never get tired you could become a world class boxer
you could finish every marothon maybe win them also even tho you are not the fasted runner but you could maintain your speed forever
i thinking the down side to this ablity would be you couldnt cum during sex sure thats sounds gr8 but its not sex if you dont cum