Super silver haze- how long is the budding period?


Hey humans! Im growing SSH indoors and will switch to 12/12 in a few days. Ive never grown a sativa-dominant hybrid before. Im using 3x 250w metal halides and soil medium. Assuming temps, humidity, and other factors remain near ideal, how long from the switch to harvest? And YES ive read all the info about SSH on marijuana websites regarding curious to know if that info squares with reality.

For example, if I go to 12/12 on December 25, I should expect to harvest no later than ___________?



Well-Known Member
havent ever grown it but general rule of thumb is about 8 weeks for indica and 8-12 for sativa dom and i always start week 1 once i get a fair amount of pistols starting to pop out.

x iGrow x

Active Member
If yoou got from Mr. Nice 8-10 weeks.. Thats what there site says neway.. And if there from Greenhouse 10-11.. So 9-10 weeks on average

x iGrow x

Active Member
So in perfect conditions February 25th or March 4th.. If the conditions arent ideal than it wont be ready by then.. I.e if theres not enough light it will take longer


Well-Known Member
March 25th and thats maybe earliest. There are a lot of versions of SSH but anyway, 12 weeks gives you two weeks until it shows flowers ( thats where you really countt from not the switch) plus 10 weeks min flower time. You have to watch that a good sativa dont fool ya, often they look done but they are not quite ready. Watching your trichs coming down to the end is critical. Dont go by the appearance of the plant. If you get it right, a good sativa dom can reward you well for your patience.


Thanks for the replies. Sounds like a consensus is forming around beginning to middle of March. One follow up question- im scrogging 3 of my 6 SSH plants. Even though im switching over to 12/12 this week, how much longer would it benefit the plant to keep spreading out the canopy thru the screen? In other words, how long until it's "scrogged-out" and there wont be viable new bud sites via scrogging?

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies. Sounds like a consensus is forming around beginning to middle of March. One follow up question- im scrogging 3 of my 6 SSH plants. Even though im switching over to 12/12 this week, how much longer would it benefit the plant to keep spreading out the canopy thru the screen? In other words, how long until it's "scrogged-out" and there wont be viable new bud sites via scrogging?

Thanks again!
the longer the plant grows the more viable budsites it will grow, they dont stop coming untill you flip and end vegatative growth stage.

x iGrow x

Active Member
Thats just a guess, from the research ive done on SCROG.. Id wait for a SCrogger to come through with some comments