Super Silver Haze week 11

Hello all,

This is my first true 79 since the pre flowers popped pistils

I don't smoke, so I can't take samples to tell if she is done.

Take a look at the pic and let me know what you think i should do for harvest.



Well-Known Member
the first pic looks done but second one has alot of white hairs. i harvested mine around 9weeks and it was good stuff and it still had alot more white pistils than yours. i would think another week at max if you cut it now i dont think you would be disappointed.

If you dont mind me asking what company did you get yours from?
The seeds were from a cali shipment of "medical"

I took 6, they all cracked, then they all were female.

I have no idea what the mother was.

Only way to get the genetics now is to take clones off my clone.