Super Skunk Help. Not sure when to harvest!!!


:evil::evil::evil: just had a shit load of stuff here but hit the back button to many times and it send me to the last page. lost all I just wrote.

so in simple terms they are on week 7 of flowering. was told they flower in about this time, but they just dont look ready to me.

front plant is at 5 ft and back on is 4ft. the front one looks healthy to me, but the back one is at about 40/60 red hairs and it doesnt look like it is budding to great just a bunch of hairs. I was told to chop at 75/25 red hairs...

what is your thoughts on this wouldnt want to chop early or too late...

1st plant is my random I got cant wait to guess its strain lol.

next 3 are my 4 footer

and last 2 are my 5 footer


The Ruined

Active Member
I looked at your pics and I can't really tell. Could you take some closer ones and focus a bit better? Being able to see the frost and the pistols will help us help you. :)


Well-Known Member
looks like you dont have near enough lighting in there. what are you using? buds look airy. you still have a while to go


well it is a little frosty best I could do with my camera phone. has loadssssss of pistols but not much buddage in the middle just looks like pistols coming off a small stem. I had a 150watt light b4 but it is too hot for how tall they are now. I have a hallogen 100watt light and also a small 75 watt light bulb as well.


Well-Known Member
halogen bulbs dont work to well for pot growing. the 150 hps is your best bet just have to rig a fan or something in there. or you can use like 10 2700k cfl's


well they give off just a little less light but my plants are to the ceiling lol. I adjusted the plants to get more light flow. also I changed the 75 watt bulb to another 100 watt halogen. so I got 2 now. I also but the fan closer to allow bigger air flow to push the buds around a bit.

also I had a fan in there but the 1 plant is about 6 inches from the bulb. I feel a 150 watt hps would burn the top even if there was a fan. urns my hand when I put it there.


Well-Known Member
well they give off just a little less light but my plants are to the ceiling lol. I adjusted the plants to get more light flow. also I changed the 75 watt bulb to another 100 watt halogen. so I got 2 now. I also but the fan closer to allow bigger air flow to push the buds around a bit.

also I had a fan in there but the 1 plant is about 6 inches from the bulb. I feel a 150 watt hps would burn the top even if there was a fan. urns my hand when I put it there.
it's not the amount of light, it's the quality/spectrum. Halogen bulbs are bright, but they don't produce the wavelengths the plants need. You need a hps in an aircooled hood or lots of flourescents.


well I dont see any other way also I am seeing about 2 grams in growth everyday so they are looking about an extra 10% in the last 4 days I guess im hitting its growth spert.


Well-Known Member
He just gave you another way. A perfect solution even. For the most part people around here know their should take the advice.


Oh I know it was a good idea Im not that dumb im just saying it cant be done or the top on the plant will burn. I was just wondering how the buds actually form. I got loads of these pistols. mostly all white on the big plant i think its more on the sativa side and my smaller one that looks close to done seems to be more of the indica side. the small one is the one im worried about. its pistols seem to be around the 75% / 25% red and dont seem to have juicy "buds". Just mostly these pistols. is this the "bud" when you dry the group of pistols? I was told to chop at 75 / 25 and well it looks like to pistols hit that point. do you wait untill they receed back into the middle and bulk up and form the buds?


Active Member
lol dude!
Listen to the advice given. That plant will give nothing but scraggly skinny spider buds if you dont change lights. HALOGEN is NOT for POT GROWING period!!!


I think ill just stick to the indica strains for inside grow. the top of my big plant burnt up a little on the top just from the 2 halogens. my smaller plant has a frosty look to it and I got scope to check them out they seem very milky on the smaller buds down low but on the top they seem to still be cler. should I harvest the bottom 1st? was thinking of doing clones, but ill learn 1 thing at a time. my big plant still has white pistols and seem to be doing healthy and also id say at least 4 weeks to go on it.


downsized_1219101538.jpgdownsized_1219101537.jpgdownsized_1219101538a.jpg my little girl my phone isnt the best for taking pics of the frost but its the best I can do "trust me ive tried to take a better one for like 1 hour" what you guys think.


Well-Known Member
i think you should take everybdys advice man. switch out those Halogens and put the 150 hps in. if your worried bout them touching the light you can bend them and tie them or supercrop and tie down. but i wouldnt keep using those halogens man you wont get shit from those airy buds