Super Soil burns my Plant

In your photos I'm seeing P deficiency. Good luck.
I was thinking the same thing. All the NPK inputs they've added (kelp, neem, and alfalfa) have little to no phosphorus. The crustacean meal might have some (I looked it up and some brands say the NPK is 4-3-0, others say 4-0-0) but that's the one ingredient they left out...
I was thinking the same thing. All the NPK inputs they've added (kelp, neem, and alfalfa) have little to no phosphorus. The crustacean meal might have some (I looked it up and some brands say the NPK is 4-3-0, others say 4-0-0) but that's the one ingredient they left out...

I limited my comment to the photos as I use synthetic chemicals for my nutes. To boost P I'd use mono-potassium phosphate or mono-ammonium phosphate. In the organic realm which I'm less familiar with, I believe bone meals would supply P.
I limited my comment to the photos as I use synthetic chemicals for my nutes. To boost P I'd use mono-potassium phosphate or mono-ammonium phosphate. In the organic realm which I'm less familiar with, I believe bone meals would supply P.
I would think bone meal as well, but looks like OP is about halfway through flower so that might not break down in time. A synthetic P boost might not be a bad idea at this point...

OP, it might be too late for an organic solution at this time, but for next grow you might consider using an all-purpose dry fertilizer blend. Not sure what's available in your country, but something like a Gaia Green 4-4-4 or Espoma Garden-Tone (3-4-4) is all you really need. They're essentially a bunch of amendments (meals/flours/dusts/powders, etc) combined in appropriate ratios and sold in a bag or tub. Then you just add a tablespoon or so for every liter of your soil mix, and you only have one thing to buy instead of 5-10.

I think one of the big reasons people assume organic growing is complicated is because of soil recipes having 10-15 different ingredients. In reality you only need 4 things: peat (or coco), aeration, compost, and a dry fertilizer blend. And if you can find a decent potting mix that has peat, aeration, and compost already in it, then you just need a dry fertilizer blend...

Anyway, best of luck with your grow!
I have different container since
They are 60l, 40l, 25l
Want me to translate to gallons?

Just topressed them with about 1/4 cup kelp and Alfalfa plus some gypsum and balted barley.

I slowly start to understands how things should work.

My question is now:
After I finish the grow(I won't chop them as you told me) I'll take the soil and mix in the missing crab meal.
I'll let it cook for a while and try again. Might do a bagged soil grow in between?
Afterwards I'll have an eye an regular top dressing with 1/4cup of alfalfa kelp and neem every month?

Should I try to add animal based meals as topdress as well or should I put them in the soil while it cooks?
Of yes which should I use in which amount?
I'll check if I can get fishbone meal later and I have already high P guano at home.
Just not sure which amounts to use
I guess I need way smaller doses because of higher nutrient content?
If you could kind of help me come up with a little fertilization schedule I have gathered every information I need so far ;)

I love you guys for your help
You told me more than the first semester of my phytotechnology studies <3
You don't have to use animal inputs but a lot of them work well.
What is readily available to you?
For P it could be Bone Meal, Fish Bone Meal, Soft Rock Phospate, Hi P Bat or Sea Bird guano, etc
A common amount on re-amending before using the soil again is something like 1 cup of each amendment per Cu Ft of soil.
I would Highly suggest adding a high quality compost to the mix as well. something like 25% of the mix on new mix and 10% or so on re-amend
I tested some of my home made chicken run soil/compost and the phos is excessive right from the get go so your base ingredients can play a large part in what amendments you are adding :peace:
Thanks for the replys guys
I'll work on something after I finished the grow
I'll take the soil I use atm and add the crusteanmeal with around 1 cup of bat guano per cubic ft of soil.
I have that one as pellets and plan to partly crush it to give different time to become available?

Just to make things sure:

For P it could be Bone Meal, Fish Bone Meal, Soft Rock Phospate, Hi P Bat or Sea Bird guano, etc
A common amount on re-amending before using the soil again is something like 1 cup of each amendment per Cu Ft of soil

I use one of the ingredients or if I use several I still limit it to 1 cup in total per 1 cubic ft so not 1 cup each? Because I guess that would be way to much?

I found the one I attached a picture.
Do you think this is a good idea?
I would add one cup per cubic ft together with some high P guano and the crabs?


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Thanks for the replys guys
I'll work on something after I finished the grow
I'll take the soil I use atm and add the crusteanmeal with around 1 cup of bat guano per cubic ft of soil.
I have that one as pellets and plan to partly crush it to give different time to become available?

Just to make things sure:

For P it could be Bone Meal, Fish Bone Meal, Soft Rock Phospate, Hi P Bat or Sea Bird guano, etc
A common amount on re-amending before using the soil again is something like 1 cup of each amendment per Cu Ft of soil

I use one of the ingredients or if I use several I still limit it to 1 cup in total per 1 cubic ft so not 1 cup each? Because I guess that would be way to much?
Depending on how depleted the soil is at the end of the run, I would shoot for 1-2 cups total of your NPK amendments per cubic foot. 1 cup of guano alone seems like way too much to me.
Hey guys
It's me again and I hope to get some advice again... Thank you in advance!
I've started a new run with the amentdemts missing to new croots mix.
I made it a bit less strong to not burn my plants and everything went fine till day 20 of bloom.
I gave them some bat guano+Molasse Compost tea which kind of stunned them and topdressed with tablespoon of a organic 5-5-5mix .
They got burned leaf tips(check the pics) and some lower leaves turned yellowish in the process.
I hope you could give me some advice on how to proceed.
I would say they look good in general but I the bud development kind of stopped since 1 week ;(

1m2 with 2x10 gallon pots with the mix written down earlier.
Day 30 of bloom
Watering with RO/Tapwater EC 0.3 no ph
Adding beneficial micros regular to the water
Temp 24-27°C
RH 60-70%


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