Super Soil Results


Well-Known Member
only time I ever use nutes with SS is if I fucked up my ratios, some of these other guys are better than me and brew teas and shit. lol.

Once you figure out what ratios work for your strain/pheno nothing is needed.


Well-Known Member
LED grown buds with Fero lights. A mix of Sativas and Indicas in my tent, mostly Sativas. It's my own recipe, not that I really know what I am doing just yet, but I like what is happening now, I only hope I can keep them healthy to the end, I figured around another month for most of them, the indicas another 2 weeks.

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EDIT: 12/12 from seeds


Well-Known Member
from my understanding, dont bother with ph, brew a good batch of compost tea for your pile and the soil food web will take care of it all


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Well-Known Member
i will be posting my results soon from my first batch of SS. I am about to be at 28 days and they look killer. I have added one tea so far as although the next drink is going to be EWC, Guano, Kelp and Sucanat. pics will be posted soon....about 5 weeks.


Well-Known Member
a few thoughts on Super Soil activation/acceleration


Well-Known Member
can any of you guys give me something to help get rid of my fungus knats that i have in my roots organic soil i heard subcool mention something on weed nerd and i cant remember what it is i need something that will not harm my plants or the mykos in my soil any help would be great i sprayed the plants last week with neem dont know if that does shit for fungus knats or not someone like nugbuckets i have a feeling has a good answer
green sand 1/2inch layer it cuts them littel fuckers


Well-Known Member
Gnatrol is another good one.... knocked em all out when diluted 4 teaspoons=1 gallon. :peace:
ihave a bottel of this also used it to keep the bores worm off my plants i would spray the buckets and the base trunk was scared it would make my bud to taste like cedar do belive it works another guy drenches his soil with this before the plant hits the dirt all natural


Well-Known Member
Didn't know it could be used for bores also. I just use it to keep gnats in check once it starts to get warm here. Soil drench works great I've found. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Here's a Northern Lights #5 going outside in Supersoil. This is part of 303 Seeds' Aurora project - bringing some Northern Lights love to the local medical scene.
