Super stealthy double-secret germination..right?


Active Member
So I have parent's who don't smoke weed. What a bummer. I'm starting my seeds in my boxspring with a jiffy propagator box thing and a cfl ontop of it to keep them warm ish and have a light source. This is kosher right? And one seed seems to be going back into the ground or is stuck or something, I mustve put it in upside- down. Is it all good?



Active Member
I cant really see them good mon but just spray some water on it, looks kinda dry but other than that they should be good


Active Member
Better photo here. Its cool to just leave the light on top of it all the time right? the thing in the middle is nirvanas germination kit, so far so good i suppose. Its been 3 or 4 days. I expect a good amount of them to be out in a week or so


Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Dude. What you are doing is not cool.

If nothing catches on fire you're going to be very lucky. I'd stop this, save some cash, and move out of my parents house if I were you.

Shit, it's spring time. Go find a nice sunny spot out in the forest up in a tree.


Active Member
That sounds like a major fire hazard. I agree with Snow Crash, be safe, take it outside. There's nothing stealthy about burning your house down. But +1 for creativity on the idea.


Active Member
The flourescent bulb doesn't seem to be too hot, but if you say so I'll do my best to find a good spot. I actually have a footlocker that might suffice.


Active Member
^^^^what they said plus the whole hiding it IN your parents house and they arent cool with it is going to get you in serious trouble. If you had a ton of houseplants in your room and you were just into gardening in general you might be able to pull it off but if the plant actually grows...BUSTED! You cant keep a plant in your box spring and if it does make it so flower your room is going to smell like a skunks ass..BUSTED! I was kicked out of the house twice for growing, once in '89 and again in '91 both times were no fun.


Active Member
haha nooo I'm just germination and keeping them as seedlings in the boxspring the transplanting outdoors haha. As a teenager I haven't many options


Active Member
You kids need to be smart. Grow weed AND flowers/vegestables too and tell your parents about the flowers and veggies only that you will have in your tray. They will not know the difference between the MJ seedlings and any other plant. Make it a family gardening project so you can atleast get your MJ started under the radar. You can lable your MJ plants "tomatoes" and put them in small pots/cups then you can put them in the woods once they are big enough. This way you can do away with trying to hide shit. I have failed to meet a woman that doesn't want flowers in their yard or in their home. Be smart man! You can get away with anything if you do it right. Say "Hey Mom let's grow some Tulips" and I bet she will allow you to start your own OUT IN THE OPEN grow....atleast to start ya MJ off. Hell, she will probably help you buy materials needed to help you on your grow. Not to mention if you are doing a family grow too, you have a excuse to brew compost tea and etc. that you can bottle up and use on your plants that will be in the woods. I wouldn't suggest planting the seedlings on your property, but my suggestion is a good way to start your seed out without that damn fire hazard. I'm sure your parents work too hard for their shit for you to be doing such careless bullshit man. They are paying bills for YOU and you are making a damn fire hazard for a few simple plants. You can make your mom happy and grow your MJ at the same time. Not to mention you can learn a few growing tips from growing other plants as you go. Also, she can feel proud that you toke the iniative to help do something nice around the house. Hate to come off all preachy, but fuck man. What you are doing is not safe and will lead to problems for you AND YOUR FAMILY.


Active Member
I've since moved it to a footlocker at the end of my bed. And I have been talking to her about working on a garden. I just can't put anything outside yet due to frosts. I've got it all figured out i just didn't really see this as a huge fire hazard. My fault