super thrive?


has anyone used strictly super thrive. or would anyone advise it i just picked up a bottle but thats all i can fit in my budget for the foreseeable future. ive also been using mg organics plant food.


ive used it a lot w/o problems, hard to know if its working or snake oil. its so cheap I just keep using it, mostly during transplating, shock/stress


Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben did a study on ST... He found it helped in early root production, and that’s about all… I use it mixed in my spray bottle when I spray the clones soil when watering, and when I am re-planting clones…After plants were complete, the ST plants differences after initial root production was nil… So, I only use it in my veg room at the start of plants…Uncle Ben did the test, and that’s good enuff for me…


Well-Known Member
Dried blood(or)blood meal, and triple phosphate. There dirt cheap and work.
I'd leave the super thrive on the shelf.


Check the thread on here by uncle Ben.
Super thrive or super jive is the title
i read that a while back. i have also talked with some people that say its more of a muli vitamin for plants. ive been using it for about two weeks every other day and my plants deff love it. they have more of a healthy green to them


Well-Known Member
i read that a while back. i have also talked with some people that say its more of a muli vitamin for plants. ive been using it for about two weeks every other day and my plants deff love it. they have more of a healthy green to them
Its fine to use as an additive to your nutes but it just can't support Cannabis by itself...
If money is an issue just go to homedepot or your local garden center and buy some tomato fertilizer.. Use it at 1/4 strength and build up....


Its fine to use as an additive to your nutes but it just can't support Cannabis by itself...
If money is an issue just go to homedepot or your local garden center and buy some tomato fertilizer.. Use it at 1/4 strength and build up....
i have MG plant food its 6-4-2 ive been useing that since they were 2 weeks old. its working well "well they are still alive haha"

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
her is the bottom line with superthrive, It has auxins which help with transplant shock. It has b vitamins which are totally unnecessary as plants produce there own b vitamins. It will do more harm than good in flower. that is about it.


Well-Known Member
I have read someone on RIU post or thread that they used superthrive for the last two weeks of flower?WTF? I asked him if he knew what the product was for and he said yes, so.....But yeah don't use it in flower.