Supercropping and Canopy Control

Just made my dry ice runs. Holy shit is that fucking awesome! I'm covered in hash lol. Gotta put these clothes in the wash and cleanup. I will be smoking hash and baking for awhile!

I ran the 120 screen for a few minutes then collected it. Then I ran the 120 for a few more minutes and collected it again, darker in color the second half. I made 3 large runs like that then I put it all back through the 190 screen, figured it would be good for baking. I collected another 36 grams through the 190 which I was surprised.

So I have 3 different grades, went through an assload of trim in under an hour and I have a pile of hash. Dry ice hash is the way to go, fo damn sho!
Yeah that printer rep is a real fucking crazy looking bookworm. She seriously looks like Goofy's mom, no fucking joke. Ignorant bitch was stuffing candy in her face and drinking soda when she said it.

Anyways, way to go on those buds man! They are looking fine as hell. Post up some pictures of the dry ice hash. Everyone is getting in on this shit now! I'm going to have to shut up about it before I drive down the price of hash! That's becoming a reality at this point, hahaha. What should we all cook with this stuff? I'm going to use some recipes by BadKittySmiles, how bout you guys?
Yeah that printer rep is a real fucking crazy looking bookworm. She seriously looks like Goofy's mom, no fucking joke. Ignorant bitch was stuffing candy in her face and drinking soda when she said it.

Anyways, way to go on those buds man! They are looking fine as hell. Post up some pictures of the dry ice hash. Everyone is getting in on this shit now! I'm going to have to shut up about it before I drive down the price of hash! That's becoming a reality at this point, hahaha. What should we all cook with this stuff? I'm going to use some recipes by BadKittySmiles, how bout you guys?

Thanks Jozi, they're drying fast! Not sure what to cook.... Tailgating season is here, any ideas? Holidays are coming, so I'm planning on some candies for sure. Last weekend we cooked some asparagus in cannabutter that did the trick. My brother was blazing that shit all over everything lol. I think I'm going to throw whats left of the trim in a crock pot with some coconut oil, may as well milk it for everything its got!

Here is a shot of the end result. I didn't include the 36 grams from the 190 screen. 3 runs got me 3 piles of grade A and 3 piles of Grade B I guess to generalize. I didn't go any finer than 120, its a bit laborious shaking that effer for 45 minutes, I went through a lot of trim. I folded the hash inside the paper and ran over them with my lawn mower tire LOL to pack them up a bit. I have a kief press but not for that much hash.

Thought I would update with something more relevant to the thread so Matatan doesn't get pissed off!

Updates on my flower box. I'm putting everything in bigger than I like and shit is stretching far more than I like also. Hopefully the new bulb slows that down. It seems like the plants I put in right around the bulb replacement are stretching less and are adding tighter bud formations, hopefully that continues. Going from memory here I might get two of them mixed up.

Pic one is Shackzilla from Sannies Seeds. Transplanted her during flower because she was growing crazy! She's yellowing a bit but I'm not worried. She reminds me of El Monstre, a slow starter with very dense tops and most likely will be usable from top to bottom. 7 gallon container in super soil. Day 40.


Pic 2 is Hericules also from Sannies Seeds. Also 7 gallon in Super Soil. Day 46.


Pic 3 is Bubble Gum, 3 gallon in super soil on day 24.


Pic 4 is Northern Light from Her container is also 3 gallon, wish I would have gone bigger, but she seems to be happy. Super Soil, of course. She's at 17 days.


Pic 5 is Super Lemon Haze after 5 days in about a 1 gallon and a White Widow clone in a wee wittle container at about 45-50 days (guess on this one). The SLH does NOT like the super soil but I'm going to let her ride it out and see what happens.


Random shot of my box and a pic of what I imagined to be Jozikin's grandmother (joking, no disrespect). I'm kinda bummed that I'm forced to overveg my plants. Just lack the space and want to play with some extra strains. I would prefer to put them into flower at half the size they are currently going in at. The space constraints are limiting the amount of training I am able to do to. I'm gradually eliminating some strains to make more space and get back to business with efficient canopy control. There are some small spaces in my canopy I'm thinking of adding some more small clones to like the WW mini. Easy trim and a little bonus now and again. Co2 will be here around Monday! Not sure when I will actually get it set up. Need to button up my room.


EDIT - I spoke with the people I order my azomite, humic/fulvic blend from. They recommend 1 oz dry powder to 1 gallon of water every watering. I think I'm going to use it in between feedings on my flowering plants. For now i'm going to use it on 2 vegging plants and see if I notice a difference in the plant's health and vigor.
First two shots are of Sannies Killing Fields, she's getting close, gonna peep through the scope in a minute. She's been fading the past few days and picking up momentum. I untied her a few days ago to let her breath freely a bit, something I like to do towards harvest to increase airflow through the canopy.

Second two shots are the newest addition to the flower box, bubblegum. I tried it once before and it did not turn out well. These are different genetics (clone) from a friend. Just going to super crop through the stretch and let her fly after that. Will probably end up tying her down after a while. Overall I think she has potential :D

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Next into the box will be Northern Lights! My first attempt at that one so I'm kind of excited to do such a legendary strain that has contributed so much to the evolution of dank!

The second picture, the close up, it's quite possibly the prettiest thing that I have ever seen.
Hey thanks Hetty, I appreciate you looking around. The killing fields turned out a little leaner than I had hoped but she sure was pretty wasn't she? Smoke report from patients is top notch... Its the first true 100% sativa I've done so I wasn't sure how the feedback would be. It definitely has bag appeal though if nothing else!
Those plants are looking sexy as fuck Shwag. Were all of those SC'd? That Shackzilla is a beast...

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Shwagbag again.

Here's a shot of my final blue cheese before I started chopping her ass down this morning. She was LST'd and SC'd :D (to get back on topic!)



More pics are in my journal.
Dude that is one of the seksiest plants I've ever seen. I just want to hang my wang all over it. I love how the bud weight evenly distributes the canopy and opens everything up for penetration. Just one goddamn fine specimen twinkling like 10 ropes of xmas lights with her sparkly dankness. You have one green thumb Dubbz, I can only imagine what you will do from here considering this was your first grow! Do you have all of your nutrient regimen in your journal?

You bet, I can't not super crop anything. Even the little WW clone was bent in half at one point.
Man... you don't understand how much I appreciate the kind words. Here I was thinking this grow would be a bust, but I had a lot of help from some awesome people, you're one of those people so go ahead and pat yourself on the back lol I wish I could keep this strain but since I don't have my own grow room it's most likely going to be lost :( fuckin sucks...

I tried to take note in my journal of everything I did so yes my feedings are all in there somewhere. I think I even put how much of each I was using per gallon and per 5 gallon bucket. Humboldt Nutrients are looking like they did what they were supposed to, eh?

That's awesome. I'm hooked on supercropping. From here on out I'll be doing this to all future grows. The only thing that will be different is a longer veg time. These turned out pretty sweet for only 2 weeks of 18/6!
dude, that's my grandma!!!! hahaha all jokes aside, your plants are very nice looking!! you definitely have your shit dialed in great!!! keep it up that great work!!!
Thanks Irish! And everyone else too, I just try to keep them from dying and pretend they're playing cannabis twister. Since Dubbz chopped his shit I will be waiting and watching the clock for him to finish another round so I can be blinded by sparkling cannabis sequins! Back to work, hooked on RIU like a mofo.

You and dubbz0r's plants look awesome. Nice perpetual box dude, looking real good, but not as good as my grandma ;)
Fuck all you guys and your football, hotdogs, and beer! Today I have to go to some new store and deal with the snobby high end sales men belittling me while I try and act really excited about the Tennis US Open event. Try and sell people 3D TV's with Tennis, even though the 3D glasses never got to me. Don't get me wrong, Tennis is fun enough, but I'm an American god dammit!