lotus - the whole plant, you may also want to experiment with an oddly shaped horizontal growin plant like i am right now, it isnt hard you just tie the plant down in whatever pattern you want it to grow (mines going to be a spiral) you may want to go with a "u" shape if you do decide to venture down that road (bamboo type stuff ya no) it also gives you something to do because you have to reset it every other day or so. its interesting, the way it grows, but its up to you if you want to do that
mike - wut?
beaver man - wow... now thats a bush, lotus you also may want to do some crimping to slow vertical growth (i do it and ive got a bush comin in)
thats my lil bush bout 9inches tall, all i do is bend and crimp it and its working pretty well (highly recommended and its good for space)
drekshishblahblahshlemington - good luck in all of your future endeavors!
T3 - thank you for the motorcycle and the clothes, to each their own, i guess you have your mission objectives and cant take your time when you have to protect that lil bastard. i hope you can also make weed legal in the future
... sorry i went on the terminator rant guys