Supercropping Main Stem During Flowering: Can It Be Done?

So I've let some plants veg way too long and one of them is over 4 ft tall. The stems are solid at 1/2" thick measured from the side. the strain is purple wreck. ceilings are 9' high. this is my 3rd day of flowering. is it possible to supercrop the main stems (approximately 3) or will they snap? also if it is possible how far down on the main stem should i make the bend?


Well-Known Member
well if they are stretched they are likely to having a brittle structure, it almost pointless to super crop with it being that big, i mean there might be time to do it but id just try to lollipop it and hope for a decent yield

Light House

Active Member
Will you post a pic, commercially I grow just what your doing in drip flow reservoir like system and get huge plants. We T top some tops that are reaching above the canopy. I take it your plant looks like a V shape with a main stock and a bunch of main tops that's how we crop/trim in veg. So I'd say if it looks like that bend by lightly pressing on stem and gently keep doing around stem can wiggle lightly between fingers too. Then with mix of pulling support from bottom or top.

If looks like a Christmas tree id leave it or if canopy level.
it kinda looks like a christmas tree, but yeah at this point imma just leave it alone. if it gets too big i'll just go vertical. btw does anybody know how to update journals?? I'm having a miserable time trying to update mine. i get 2 options: leave a comment or post a thread. wtf??!!! help please


It's way different on a phone.. in the computer there is a link in the upper right that says "start new thread" I only update on my computer, not the phone. Sounds like an awesome plant!!


Well-Known Member
I got a sativa. In my tent.was going to be smart and give her shorter veg time .shit she quadrupled in size. I supercropped but shewas stretching hadnt hardened up .go a head u b fine imo


Well-Known Member
I had a pheno on my current grow of White Diamonds that stretched like crazy and became to tall, so I basically supercropped about 4 branches that were to tall about 10" down. After about a week or two the branches grew back crooked but not as tall. It didn't look pretty but it served its purpose. I basically broke the stems and just let them lay sideways until they stood back up on there own. Like I said it wasn't pretty but it served its purpose.
i just don't think i can do it. i supercropped 12 plants yesterday that were around 3 ft tall, but this 4 ft + is a monster plant. The 3 main stems are extremely stiff and woody. I just feel like its too far along to supercrop and the stem will just snap. I really can't afford to lose another plant at this point. I'm also way too afraid to supercrop the main stems on the aforementioned 12 plants. I broke a few branches and can just sense something is going to go wrong. i'd feel a lot better if you guys had pictures of really tall plants with stems that were supercropped when they were about the same height as the ones i have. btw just smoked some og kush x white widow. wow! shit was fire:fire:
on another note i keep screwing with the light times of the flowering plants sometimes by an hour or more. since i'm using the gavita pro 1000's they are 240v and theres no cheap way to find a timer with a 240v outlet. I would have to buy a box that has outlets for multiple 240v lights that has a connection that runs to a 120v timer. i've found a few units, but am stretched for cash. such a pain:evil:. do you think this will have any adverse effects on the plants or herm 'em?
First i tried LSTing it. It was very time consuming and it took up way too much light space so i said screw it and snapped all the branches. I reeeeeaaaallllly had to put some strength to crush the stems between my fingers but i got the job done. 2nd time supercropping. Gets easier every time. I'll post pics up when I get the chance. After supercropping and FIMing I just don't see the point of why any one would want to LST or top their plants. Less work and better results. I guess I could see the point of topping when the plants are still very small, but FIMing produces more tops so whats the deal?