SuperCropping Mistake???


Active Member
I have a clone that is about 9 in tall and I squeezed the stem to super crop it and thought everything was cool but went and checked on my plants after an hour and the clone was basically bent 90 degrees where I pinched it. So I stuck a pencil in the dirt and the plat is now standing upright but long story short, is it gonna heal and be fine or did I screw up? Thanks in advance


Active Member
if it has a root system already it will probably be fine if it doesn't cross your fingers
It has a pretty good root system, I actually transplanted it 2 days ago and the root ball was large but i just hope the bend doest add more stress that it already has from the transplant...oh well, we'll see


Well-Known Member
these things live through a lot i thought i had a male plant and i was short room so i ripped the entire plants rootball out of the 5 galln bucket. bent up and all that . for some reason i didnt finish the job. i left it off to the side and it showed female. so i kept it. its doing fine and its thriving actually. superthrive seems to have helped it along also. now i have under a 600 tied down to promote better growth



Well-Known Member
I thought the point of supercropping was that it should be at 90 degs?

But yes the plant will heal, they are amazingly resilient. A splint is prob best option if u want it vertical.


Active Member
It should be ninety degrees, or there abouts. The whole point is that you bruise the node, and bend the head over. This causes the same reaction as topping the plant, but without losing the main cola. Unless you tie the head down the head will rectify itself. I do this rather than topping, the results you can get are amazing.


Well-Known Member
super cropping is crushing the tops . that causes the plant to put its energy into the bottom growth while it repairs the top. all the branches then even out and get the same sun. it doesnt have to be 90 degrees at all. you just need to crush the stem. pinching and rolling the stem in your finger till you get that juice on your fingers is fine. ill say though it lets out a smell thats crazy. i cropped all my plants and it stunk my house out.