

Hey Everyone,

A question about supercropping for you guys that practice these techniques. I supercropped my Lemon Haze
plants during veg -- bending of the stems. And although they are showing multiple tops, the plants have
stayed relatively short in height.

My question is, will they yield more like supercropping gives despite their smaller height?


Well-Known Member
IDK, Im trying it for the first time. I think it will work better because in theory youre getting more bud. instead of one plant with ! main cola you have a perpetual sea of green with many more, smaller colas. resized3.jpgresized8.jpgView attachment 3011269resized7.jpg


Yeah, same here man. It's my first time out trying supercropping. My ladies are far bushier than usual and have multiple tops.
I hope all of those tops grow to a nice size and give me more bud. Hope we're both happy with our first time out supercropping. :-)


Prodigal, I've bent over branches of the plant until there's a noticeable tear on the branch. Not a break, just a small
wound that creates a knuckle. As I understand it, it's a little different to LST, more stressful than trying down the main stem/
branches. The plants all have multiple tops, so I guess it worked. I just wanted to know if, as has been mentioned in many
places, it increases total yield per plant.
what's up guys? I have done it as a experiment and compared to my normal grow I saw a difference in bud size, but because of how you prune bottom branches the yield was pretty close. I would say I got maybe a quarter ounce more. I was using composted soil. Now I know someone who uses coco soil and roots organics and his production was higher, but that is also expected for that type of soil basically a hydro soil. So to answer it does increase, but it depends on your grow set up.


Well-Known Member
Adam, You are supercropping. As for if it works, I don't see it. I train almost everything, I bend branches, they flower, some branches break, or crack, I have pinched, twisted, bent and broken branches for this reason or that, and I don't see a correlation between the flower size, and branch abuse. The top/s themselves are bigger, as are the ends of major branches,. If you top, trim, and train properly, you will get more, bigger tops.
That was the same issue I faced and why I started pruning my bottom branches, but I was trying to use stakes to hold up the plant. the other person was using a net to support his plants, but he had a few branches break off too.


Well-Known Member
Instead of leaving a topped branch to grow a natural "Y" shape, cross the two new shoots over one another, and it won't split the main stem.